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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/02/2020 in all areas

  1. Fixed Medicinal Supplies III for Sand village not working sometimes. Fixed Tonfa boss's ground shattering technique range being 20 tiles wide with a 10 tile wide animation.
    2 points
  2. He is currently under a lot of pressure at the moment. A lot of personal messages go unanswered because he works on the weekends and he has work to do on Nin as well as a personal life; like we all do. It doesn't even help that the Admins won't give him his forum rank.
    1 point
  3. Body Flicker / Substitution Improvements Body Flicker Technique for both Mobs and Players have been improved. They are more reliable, in that if the back of the target is blocked, it will use the front, or sides. This also applies to jutsu that moves you to your target like Lightning Cutter Technique and Seismic Dash Technique. 12 Guardian Ninja Added. 12 Guardian Temple Location Added. 12 Guardian Waistcloth Added. Leaf Village Summit Location Added.
    1 point
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