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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/10/2020 in all areas

  1. Some experimental balance changes based on player feedback Bubble Prison Snare increased across the board by 0.5 seconds. Crescent Moon Dance and Crescent Moon Beheading Technique now cause Bleed II status. Crescent Moon Beheading Technique large damage increase +10 on all rank. Other Sword Jutsu damage slightly nerfed by 1 on max rank. Crescent Moon Beheading Technique cooldown reduced by 5 across all ranks. Crescent Moon Dance Technique cooldown increased by 5 across all ranks.
    4 points
  2. Fixed an exploit that allowed you to hold more tools than you were supposed to be able to with Takumi Village Ninja Tools Shop. Fixed an exploit that allowed you to duplicate tools with Takumi Village Ninja Tools Shop. Prevent players from using /ignore on themselves because some people would do this for some reason !! Fixed Mist village prisoners teleporting to Sand village when their time is up. Fixed Mist village prisoners not being able to be unjailed. Shockwave Slash Technique and Explosive Kunai Technique now share a cooldown. Fixed Bubble Jutsus not applying Bubble Prison when too far away.
    3 points
  3. Next we have @Kuraen Alarnin in his younger handsome days
    1 point
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