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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/04/2020 in all areas

  1. Idk if anyone suggested that but i have an opinion if you only want to focus on Nin. Create a patreon page, it have been on for some time and if anyone reaaly wants to support you might choose some payment plans you prepared and you will have your income from there while the game is still free. The game will get some love and the ones that love your work will continue to support you from there so you can work on the game with full energy and full time. Also you will be able to put a team on the games development. To honour the names of your supporters adding credits to share the names of them in the game somewhere, that a tough idk what will community thinks about it but i know i can spare few buck for month(Even if my country have a exchange rate of 1 to 7). Think about that it will be beneficial i see bimbos that make thousands and thousands of bucks just from nudity on patreon why you cant make a few bucks for your lovely game while keeping it free to play without p2w? @Ueda Ps: Also i am thanking you for the game man, i am fan of naruto since 2012 but i recently come across your game its beatiful i hope you can work on it more while you are financially good.
    2 points
  2. This game is like a home to some of us, thank you so much for all the effort you've put in it, you deserve all the success and support you've gotten!
    1 point
  3. Fixed a crash with spell casting.
    1 point
  4. Personally, I will thank you alot for spending alot of time of your life creating this game, because for a naruto fan like me or the others players, I think that's really nice to have a big universe in the naruto world and to be able to create our ninja. I look for other game like your and actually this is the best complete naruto online game in my opinion. So you did not work for nothing. And for sure that if you that I will try your others games! Thank you alot!
    1 point
  5. What happiness! I have not entered for a while, when I came back I found many surprises and everything is positive Gratz
    1 point
  6. Having to buy 3rd party programs shouldn't be a thing just to play a god damn 2D game...
    1 point
  7. If you experience high ping, you should look into paying for a gaming VPN. These exist to eliminate the latency trips that your network ISP has to travel, by optimizing the network pathway. The server we run is in Canada and if you aren't inside Canada, the pathway to it could be really bad. This is something we can't fix, which is why we will look in the future to provide an alternative server for EU region and US. It just is not something we can do with our budget, time, or resources at this time. The only real solution is to pick a good VPN/proxy and use it for the time being. ExitLag NoPing WTFast PingZapper KillPing These are the major ones that I have researched and used most of them. I use ExitLag personally.
    0 points
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