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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/22/2020 in all areas

  1. 5 points
  2. Oh god. Harass! Well put! I think the thing that amazed me the most early on was when Sand released, a whole different culture spawned there. People like Dona really took the village as their own and made it something completely different from what Leaf was up till that point. That's a nice comparison. I played Mabinogi during the golden age for awhile and really loved how hard it was. I spent more time in a dangerous world, doing less dangerous things and just connecting with people. Thanks for the feedback!
    4 points
  3. Hello everyone! I found this website the other day in another discord server and I wanted to share it here. https://picrew.me/ This website allows you to create your own custom character in a lot of different artstyles. While the website is in japanese its pretty easy to navigate. (If you use google chrome, you can right click anywhere on the website and select translate to english.) With a little work you can even add some things yourself! Like for example I added The leaf bandana and Netted shirt to the art to make it look like my character even more! I think this can be very useful for a lot of people RPing.
    2 points
  4. While Nin Online has plenty of problems, it's ability to create a sense of community is very underrated. If you want to make the most out of what this game has to offer, talking and connecting with other people is essential. It's very cool to me to see each of the different villages develop their own diverse cultures, and for each of their players to take pride in it. Some players get lucky and find their home right away, while others may jump village to village until they finally find a crowd they fit in with. Either way, for many of us the game play is only partially what keeps us playing for months and years. It's the community that exists within the game that brings us back time and time again.
    1 point
  5. 1 point
  6. Good job everyone! :D!! My next Creation is @Memsky For this one just like Jihyo's one I used 3 different sources:
    1 point
  7. Another one finished! This time @GodJihyo In case someone is curious how the final product is achieved:
    1 point
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