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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/16/2020 in all areas

  1. And now we have @Ryujin Goto This one is one of my favorite outcomes so far. Process of making!
    2 points
  2. I love it! Even captured the "I'm done with this BS" glare perfectly
    1 point
  3. The next one is the beautiful @Taeledra
    1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. Welp I followed you guys example. Or at least I tried....
    1 point
  6. Hey everyone, Saku here. Since this game encourages Role-playing, and it being a rather big part of the game, I decided to make a Guide for everyone who struggles to do it. The first thing before the actual Guide starts I will clear something up. RP stands for Role-play! Many people get confused when they ask "What are you doing?" and you answer with "RP". So yeah, now you know. So if someone says he is doing RP, you know what it means. So now, on to the actual Guide. The Basics Role-playing means that you change your behavior and play your "Role" in certain situations. The things you do or say are based and your backstory and/or on the "Role" you took. There are a few things you should keep in mind if you want to start with RP. Using the Chat The Chat is probably the most important part since it allows you to communicate and use Emotes. By using the right Emotes and things to say in certain Situations, you can make every Conversation exciting and engaging. Your Role Depending on the given scenario, you need to realize what your part, or Role, in the story is. Keep in mind that not everyone can be the protagonist, and sometimes you maybe just play a side character, but even so, you are an important part of the story that is about to be written. Focus! RP requires your attention. You can't play Hearthstone on the side or something like that because you won't be able to keep up with the Story. Also, don't get distracted by other people who are not involved. They will probably ask a lot of question, but don't break your role for it. If you really need to answer them use brackets ( more on that on the Tips Section ) You are Part of something bigger Unless you Role-play with a tree, other people will be influencing the Story. Don't get down when one of your ideas gets drown in the conversation, but also, don't ignore others. The best Stories are made by many players together, so try to adapt. Talk about someone in the group, give your opinion about his Idea, or use an emote to agree/disagree. Tips There are many tips and tricks you can use to improve your RP. In this section I will list all kinds of advice too, so you can get started right away. Don't break Character! As I mentioned before, focus is key. So if you really need to break Character use Brackets ( ) Bad Example Player 1 : Something is not right here... Player 2 : yo, 1 mom need to pee Player 1 : ... Good Example Player 1 : Something is not right here... Player 2 : ( I'll be right back, because ... ) Player 1 : ( Alright ) You will ruin the Experience for others, so please use Brackets ( ) Please Care what you Type Keep in mind what you write, since it's important. At least try to have decent grammar. Of course, no one expects perfect sentences from you either, so here's another example. Bad Example Player 1 : I think someone is following us... Player 2 : i thnk his beyond tha tree Good Example Player 1 : I think someone is following us... Player 2 : Maybe he is behind one of these Trees... You maybe think I am exaggerating, but it already saw stuff like that. Just try to your best, no one will judge simple mistakes. Using Emotes Being able to use the emotes makes your RP more believable. The most important thing you need is without a doubt /e /e is used if you want to imply that your character is doing something. With this emote you can give the story more Detail and make it more believable. So if you type in the Chat /e is daydreaming it will look like this It is a very easy way to give your Character personality and a tool to make a good story. Use it appropriately and everybody will have a Great Time. There are many other things you can use, a list of them is available In-Game, just type /emotes Well, this is the end. I hope this guide can help someone. It's the first time I made something like this, so please tell me what you think. I want to Improve.
    1 point
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