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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/01/2020 in all areas

  1. 2nd batch of optimizations. Optimized 230 / 728 Item Graphics so far. These are pretty common items, so you might already start to see an improvement albeit quite slightly. On average the texture loading times of these 230 items should be reduced by around 3.5x. Just another 500 items to go. Edited Takumi Village map to be back the way it was in 2018. The new road was causing lag as it was from a separate texture. Made the Fire Combustion Vortex animation a lot simpler as it was by far the biggest spritesheet/texture in the entire game, and could potentially have crashed people with very low video ram
    1 point
  2. Discussion Board Rules and Guidelines This refers to any official channels including but not limited to the forums and discord Rules Basic Respect Guidelines
    1 point
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