Hey Ninja,
This week we'll be talking about the biggest change in the game since 2013.
There are so many bookshelves in the game and it's been bothering me how they all have the same books in the same order, and I don't know if this bothered a single other soul, but It really bothered me. I actually designed the bookshelf tileset to be modular in 2013, but I never got the time to do a simple edit to make more varieties.
Behold, more variation of bookshelves! Before / After (animated GIF)
& that bin
& that bin
A more extreme example of a map with way too many of the same shelves previous.. & that bin tho
More examples
On a slightly more serious note, I actually added a bunch of new tiles into the game to make interiors more lively and maybe for that one or two cases, give people more to RP with.
I know these are things the game doesn't need but I still want to do improvements like this because they make the world feel more alive to me. In the same way all the maps could've just reused all the same art and been clones of one another, and saved me a lot of time, I don't want to not make the art look good in every way just to save time. In the end, I want Nin to be something I'm proud of in every way.
More small upgrades to other maps coming soon!