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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/27/2019 in all areas

  1. Heavily nerfed Grand Puppets! Do note that the current state of puppets is a very bare bones implementation, in the future we will add more features to it and we're still getting ideas and feedback from all of you. The reason why I want puppets out in atleast some form is because I want to complete the organizations for each village, next up is 12 Guardians for Leaf and the Medical corps for each village. Really like the idea Balcoin presented of puppets breaking and needing repairs for example.
    2 points
  2. Fixed "Survey the Mist Village Entrance" description.
    1 point
  3. August 2019 PromotionsLeaf VillageChunin: @Ljones @Kotaro Hinode Jonin: @Yousei Reiketsu @Kuraen Arubaro Sand Village Chunin: @Aikya @Kyodo @Kyuumaru Mist Village Chunin: @Heaven @Tsuyoshi @Vint @Maj November 2019 PromotionsLeaf VillageChunin: @Kuraen Alarnin @Raw @Prado @Zelgius @Charky Jonin: @Senketsu Sand Village Chunin: @Angelik Date @Hitsugaya Toshiro @Yasui @Sanshouo @Onery Jonin: @Multicolor Mist Village Specialized Jonin: @Homura for exemplary bubble technique and trap strategy Chunin: @Feinz @Adult Sasuke @Carolinne @Nitche @ExiledTheridion Jonin: @Tsuyoshi @Maj
    1 point
  4. Added Island in South Eastern Sea IV. Removed Kuraken from South Eastern Sea IV. Nerfed Kuraken's Tentacles heavily. Added Level 38++ Secret Mission "Revenge on Kuraken".
    1 point
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