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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/22/2018 in all areas

  1. Summer Festival Xanax's Manga "A summer with Xanax ch.1!"
    11 points
  2. "Streetwear for every season" Festival: (Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter) @alba hozuki @Itama Date @bmore92 @Moira @Ketsueki blackkage @Bloody Steez @IKAGE
    6 points
  3. I think I'm beach ready what do you think? Sun blockers Swim Trunks Open Shirt Lollipop Let's get Wet and Wild!!!!
    1 point
  4. Deadly Ram Outfit Festival: Summer Since the first released seasonal festival item was a dragon mask, I wanted to keep the theme going; the design of these masks is based on the skull of a ram, which wikipedia tells me is one of the animals from the Chinese zodiac associated with summer. And they're skulls... because. The outfit on the left has more summery colors, while the outfit on the right is supposed to be more watery. The mask is unisex while the coat fits the female base.
    1 point
  5. So its only pixel art or it could be any style of drawing ? @Jessica
    1 point
  6. Fortune Teller now working!
    1 point
  7. Dear Ninja, Tomorrow, the ninja world will not be the same. At 3:00 P.M. EST to 5:00 P.M. EST, all of the villages (excluding Tanzaku) will be invaded by Emiya and Jessica, two high level criminal ninja who are in search of a peace that they believe can only be obtained by destroying all of the governments within the ninja world. Ninja! It is your duty to protect your villages. Report at the official event times and be ready to defend from the incoming threat. These two criminals will not have any mercy, and are very powerful that it may take a while to defeat them. Ensure you listen to your Kage and village officials for defense and offense strategies! Event Times for Each Village Leaf Village - Sunday, Feb. 18, 3:00 P.M. EST Sand Village - Sunday, Feb. 18, 4:00 P.M. EST Takumi Village - Sunday, Feb. 18, 5:00 P.M. EST (players from Missing, Sand, and Leaf may report to Takumi to participate in this event) Event Rewards To obtain the event rewards, the village must successfully take down the threat. This should not be difficult if a good amount of the village participates, so we recommend ensuring your village is populated at the time your village gets attacked! 5x World Blessing per village (given to the Kage to use when they'd like) 1x World Blessing used after the Takumi Village event by a GM (since there is no village leader) There will also be World Blessings given by the Game Masters during each Village Invasion so that the other villages may use that time to level and use the bonus experience and discourage them from raiding during the Invasion. Do Note: Raiding during the invasion is subject to jail time, and the GMs will jail you if you raid during the invasion. Wait until the announcement that the village destroyed the threat. Warning: The Game Masters will be using buffed items and stats to make the event feel like a real powerful threat to the village. Certain players may end up getting one shot if they cannot handle the attacks. We will primarily be attacking in the central area of the village and the outskirts of the village (if the event goes that far). Best of luck ninja, Jessica & Emiya
    1 point
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