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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/24/2016 in all areas

  1. Dear Ninjas, I'm sorry for the lack of updates since the 2nd Chunin Exams. We had earlier promised to begin the new Beta phase a lot sooner but as life caught up with me, I've not had enough opportunity to complete what I want to before launching the Beta. That being said, most of the Sand Village is now completed and I am currently focusing on completing the Mastery Kits before we launch so that it will be as unlikely that we will need to wipe again in the future or give everyone stat resets. Here is some previews of new Jutsus! Taijutsu Lightning Water There's more and more to come, but just rest assured, PvP Combat is going to be a lot more fun and balanced in Beta!
    2 points
  2. Nice!, loving the Jutsu they look epic can't wait for Beta!
    1 point
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