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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/12/2016 in all areas

  1. Buffing everything to a certain level will only cause inflation into the stat numbers which then we would also have to buff NPCs etc ect, eventually this would be getting so out of hand we'd end up like the division with mobs who can 1 shot and have 6m health.
    1 point
  2. Dear Ninja, This is a quick hotfix bug with a few changes to the game, and it should be the final patch until Closed Beta begins. This contains no major balance changes. Event Headquarters fixed a bug while leaving spectating would not leave the team you were spectating, not allowing you to join back. Also, fixed a bug for not ending the event properly after it was over and being able to earn Event Tickets outside the event by killing ninjas anywhere. Fixed game client crashes. Fixed not being able to login if you AFK while on server select or hit back before logging in. If you would attempt to login and fail, it could glitch you to not be able to login again. Fixed other login problems such as disconnecting while logging in and logout issues for not logging out completely. Fixed running animation bugs. A Toad is in Leaf Village square to give you one free Scroll of Stat Reset. Updated the Event Chest to contain Robes store. Removed being able to upgrade Training Scrolls. Added a Spectator option in the Event Headquarters. Raised reward for winning Team Deathmatch to 250 Event Tickets and lose 100, vs. 100 and 50. Reduced kills to win Team Deathmatch to 25 down from 50. Removed asking for you to spectate if team is full since Spectator option has been added. Lightning Senbon no longer stuns at rank 3. Heal Wounds cooldown increased for rank 3 to 18 up from 17. Best Wishes,Hitspark
    1 point
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