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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/09/2016 in all areas

  1. Thanks everyone for patiently waiting while the server is down and supporting us c: always feel so lucky to have everyone here keeping us company while we develop.
    8 points
  2. You are assuming that besides the obvious advantages of being able to heal and resurrect allies and themselves, that medical-Nin are supposed to be even close to the offensive capabilities of an elemental mastery and that is simply bullshit. Never, no. It will never be that way. It would be completely broken. And you're assuming that medical ninjas are supposed to be OP solo ninjas that can rely on themselves in 1v1 combat. That's never been the intention, the right balance is not one where each individual mastery is capable of 1v1ing another mastery. It's a team game.
    3 points
  3. This is a Joke right? We did choose two Masteries. One being Medical. Also, if we would allow People to have 3 Masteries, Medics are even more screwed since Jutsu User will have even more ways to Destroy us. everybody should stop complaining or making assumption until the Server is up.
    1 point
  4. we can't complain if we have not seen the patch, so just wait and we will see how it go.
    1 point
  5. Looks like we'll have to redo our builds.
    1 point
  6. If you choose to be a medic, you are paying support, so healing and reviving people, medic's should not PvP because they are not built for it. Most people choose medic for the healing and nothing else. I choose it because I wanted to roleplay as a healer, yet I am being told every time that I MUST PvP to become good, and I ask myself; "Good at what? Becoming a deadbeat player that can only fight and not roleplay or speak in normal sentences?" So I don't mind the medic's get a little bit worse at PvP, medic's were never meant to go full PvP, have you ever seen a healer in a MMO or in some other game that focused on pure DPS without supporting their team with healing? So yeah, I hope a lot now leave the medical jutsu's to the real medic's, not those that use medical only to heal in PvP.
    1 point
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