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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/07/2016 in all areas

  1. Dear Ninjas, I've spent some time to redesign our community so that we can all enjoy our time here better. The design comes in time for our next Chunin Exam and Beta launch to symbolize our movement into a new era of Nin Online! The forum width is exactly the same as before, it's just made more apparent with background style. I reduced the height of the banner this redesign so that the content is always less scrolling away from the top! Less white so it's less jarring on the eyes (this was a common criticism for the last skin) After some testing, I've realized that the site runs a lot quicker on Edge than on Chrome, which may be a result of Edge's better webkit compatibility. (Please do give me feedback!) I hope everyone likes it! Regards, Rory
    4 points
  2. Hahaha, that would have been the way to achieve that in 2003, that or Flash. But no it's actually webkit/CSS3 animation. Thanks everyone
    2 points
  3. Dear Ninja, This is an advanced Controls Guide. It is a work in progress and more details will be added soon. Shift Moving interface if hovering over something that can be clicked or interacted with. Training stat points 5 at a time. Mouse Controls Can be used to attack with right mouse down and will attack the direction you are facing. It will turn your direction where your mouse cursor is relative to your location. Disable mouse controls by typing /mouse. Chat Tab switches position of chat active part. Left side is for player names and commands. Commands supported are /g and /t. Ctrl + Backspace erases all text. Ctrl + Up/Down shows chat history. Ctrl + V will paste any text in your clipboard into the text box.
    1 point
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