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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/13/2016 in all areas

  1. Thanks for the kind words. We're unfunded group of volunteers, everyone who is contributing is doing so for very low pay if any. This is all a learning experience for us all. Rory and I are the only people on the team that have actually real experience where Rory has the most since he works for a Singapore company on actual mobile games that have a lot of funding. As for leveling up alts, you just make a new build and play again. Leveling will become more fun as the game matures. We want it to be repayable. Think of seasons in Diablo 2, where you level up a character with a build then repeat the process over and over again. This is the same way, our game takes a lot of pieces from a lot of classics and throws them all together. The Ninja style game is just a platform for us to make an innovative experience that people care about, not something that has been done before a million times. We know what we are doing basically.
    5 points
  2. Please post suggestions to Chunin Exams in Suggestions. No again. We made the game and leading it toward our vision as a team. If we listen to every player and what they want, we'd destroy the game before it was finished. World of Warcraft used to be a great MMO before it started listening to all the complaints. If we do Chunin Exam without reward or take back the reward we gave during the first one, no one will participate. We know what we are doing. Just let us do it and stop trying to butt in. Players do not always know what is best for a game. It would be like some random guy on the street complaining toward a master chef about a recipe, where the person who ate it doesn't understand the craft behind cooking or who that taste is aimed for. Each person has their own unique tastes and preferences, a game is not supposed to be created in a specific fashion to hit everyone's exact tastes. This is what causes a game to become bad and tasteless. These games have no soul and only serve the casual players who rarely play the actual game. As a final note, the event wasn't as bad as people are making it out to be. It was pretty close to perfect, we had a few mistakes although these mistakes are prone to happen the first time we host it. We also want to add that everyone could of passed to the preliminaries if they RP properly.
    1 point
  3. The entire event looked cool. Little sloppy, but it was the first time so I'm sure once a dozen or so of these have been hosted the whole process will go seamlessly. Cool concept to stream this live, however some coding for the camera man would've helped a lot. Just going invis seemed to cause some problems, randomly being hit by projectiles/jutsu and being ran into. I didn't participate in this event - but if I had - I can only imagine the frustration I would feel with my jutsu being absorbed by an invisible camera man. In a lot of byond games there is a system in place where if you are standing in a certain tile (the outer rim of an arena) you have the option of viewing the fight within the arena free-camera style. That way you can view everything without being an actual physical body in the arena. Not sure if that's present already, but if not that'd be pretty smart. Dope event. Smart advertising. Borderline cringy commentary. Congrats to the winners. Perhaps they should have some lore or something else dedicated to their victory.
    1 point
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