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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/12/2016 in all areas

  1. Dear Ninja, We're preparing to launch Patch 1.9.0 and have been pushing out updates over the past 2-3 weeks without letting anyone know what we have changed, but this is to amp up the development speed of the team to focus on getting it out quicker to everyone. The game has had a lot of bugs over the past several years and we've been trying to minimize them over these past 6 months. What good news we have today is that we are close to reopening the Open Alpha the last time and won't close it down until a Closed Beta happens. The Open Alpha will last for sometime before we transition to Beta and will be approximately for version 2.0.0. For further details about this, go here. The Cash Shop has been officially opened and will allow us to keep the game servers up and speed up development considerably. We are hoping to bring in enough income to bring back @Rory full-time, so he can quit his job and work on Nin Online full-time. Meet Gumi, the in-game Fox Spirit who will give you information about the items we sell, a preview of them in-game and Special Items Shop. In this shop, you can claim Special Items that you have earned throughout your journey. These items are earned by events or Cash Shop purchases and will never be erased from your account from wipes. These items are stored on your website account instead of game account, these accounts are linked together, but when one is erased the other is not. You can buy cosmetic items here and other items here. To claim them go here. Thank you everyone for your support, it took us a long time to get here and we're really close to making this game become a reality and not something far off. If you bought Gold Ninja by October 31st 2013, you will be awarded Gold Forehead Protectors soon. Best Wishes,Hitspark Edited 27 March by Seth
    1 point
  2. Introduction This is a general overview of how we do patches in the game right now. We release a new version such as 1.9.0 this introduces new features and content. Sometimes you get new content in a lower release such as 1.9.1, but these are mostly content that was left out during the official release. Roadmap 1.8.9 - Bug Fixes. 1.9.0 - Cash Shop 1.9.5 - Sand Village, Bounties, and Missions. 1.9.8 - Bosses. 2.0.0 - New GUI. More information will be added later.
    1 point
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