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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/02/2016 in all areas

  1. Dear Ninja, I have finished updating the updater, it is now live. This is the final updater for Beta. We shouldn't need to do anymore updates to it. The only other features we have planned are to add Server Status to it and other extras, but these are not that important at the moment and can be pushed aside for several months. Added Fullscreen checkbox. This will start the game in fullscreen mode. You can do this in-game already by using Alt + Enter. Fixed problems with updating instantly which skipped files to update. Fixed crash issues and improvements to the way it runs. Fixed various bugs. Updater now can only be opened once. Updater now forces you to be an Administrator, it won't error when attempting to launch the client. It will give an error message. Updater now force closes any client processes upon startup. This will prevent problems with updating the Client.exe. Updater now is x86 compile rather than x64/x86. This is to strengthen compatibility with the Client.exe. If you have any problems with the updater such as seeing it complete instantly and/or your client says it is out of date. You can restart your computer and try again, or just uninstall and reinstall the game. It is important that the Client.exe is removed properly when you uninstall. The process is preventing itself from being updated. Although, the latest updater will terminate this process if it ever happens such as from a crash or being open. As a side note, we push out updates all the time without letting you guys know. We believe in pushing out fixes quickly then saying what they were later. It is better and more practical with our time. Although, we will not take the game servers down once they become stable. This is not something which will be in practice once we get everything going smooth. Best Wishes, Hitspark
    1 point
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