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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/08/2016 in all areas

  1. Dear Ninjas, The developers have been working hard over the past few days to get the Sand Village out. So I'd just like to show off some of our work to give credit where it's due. My desire for to get the village out as quickly as possible sometimes tempts me to take the easy way out and just make really shitty maps with just reused tiles. But looking at all the attention to detail I put into the Leaf Village (and watching Boruto: The Movie) gave me the motivation to spend a few hours yesterday finding more reference material and planning the village further. Sand Academy Basic Combat Class Combat Trainer NPC by Fernando Sand Academy Technique Class Puppet Master Sankuro by Fernando Sand Surgeon Ninja Set by Keijin Desert Warzone Now with added Sandstorm! As you can probably tell, the Sand Village Ninja Academy is actually completed in terms of mapping. The actual tutorial has not been scripted yet, but it will be soon! The exteriors of the Sand Village is also progressing very well. Regards, Rory
    1 point
  2. Whoa! This looks really freaking good. I love it! That puppet master though...dude, he looks freaking sick and that female ninja....I see what you did there you cheeky bastard, you ;-) ha ha ha.
    1 point
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