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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/05/2016 in all areas

  1. We're opening the game servers temporarily for everyone, this is a quick test while we continue to fix bugs.
    1 point
  2. Hi Ninjas, While the programmers have been hard at work fixing server issues, I've been working on new areas leading into the Sand Village. This may or may not interest you, but it's tough balancing the positions and distances of villages to certain key areas while retaining the layout of the world we all know and love. I've over worked my brain time and again to try to get it right. So this is roughly how the path from the Forests where the Scout team of Samurais currently is until the Sand Village is going to be, some of which are already mapped out! Takumi Village is going to be a trading village, mainly specializing in weapons. So weapons ninjas and sword wielders will be in for a treat here! I've also spent some time to redraw the server images! That's all for my quick dev log. I hope you guys don't mind that it's even more drafty and less professional than usual. Development logs are supposed to be how I can share my progress with you guys quickly and get feedback sometimes. Regards, Rory
    1 point
  3. That art style and attention to detail! Just magnificent job! also the new server images looks decent.
    1 point
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