Dear Ninjas, First of all, I'm here again! Back in the flash for this festive season. I'll talk a bit about how things have been for myself in awhile, but before that. A belated Merry Christmas from me to the whole community, and an advanced Happy New Year to everyone! The end of the year signals roughly the 6 months mark for Nin Online's development, as you all know, the Nin Online you see now began development in June 2013. Despite being absent for the past two months or so from the community, I'd like to say that I still think about Nin Online everyday and hope everyone in the community and staff team awaits my return to normal development on the game's visual aspects! Seth has been doing a great job maintaining the community, managing the staff team and developing the game and as such, it has been a great honor to have him as a partner. I've recently ended Basic Military Training and am currently posted at an army camp near my house. Unfortunately, I only get to book out on weekends, so most of my days will be spent in camp. Luckily enough, I've recently bought a new laptop, and I'm getting the authorization to bring it into my army camp. This way, I can work on Nin Online at night! So expect me to be on here much more often in early 2014!
Happy Holidays,