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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/30/2015 in all areas

  1. We're working on being more planned with our maintenance, we should follow a schedule although this is a problem only in alpha. It seems like even having a Server Status banner did not do the trick. I don't know how else to communicate to people who don't know how to look.
    1 point
  2. I try to be transparent even if I piss people off, because the world is super not transparent. I try to be the opposite of the what the world is. Even if I do the grunt work, at the bare bottom it enables me to know what exactly is going on rather than getting messages from people at the bottom that may not be the exact truth. Whenever the time comes that the games I make are so big that I cannot do the support, I still will check the forums out. Just reading what others say and not responding is much faster than actually responding to each request. Of course, I do need to cut back and not do this as much, but it has taught me a lot in the process.
    1 point
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