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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/26/2015 in all areas

  1. Your level of transparency and community interaction is unparalleled. You should hire a buffer if it's causing you that much trouble. We love that you post and answer people directly, but honestly, you don't have to. If your plate is full and you're working hard, those "wen we can play?" posts shouldn't be your responsibility to answer. Get a PR person for the forums (or dedicate someone from the staff who is already active), lay down the rules, and let him/her answer the dumb/easy questions while you focus on the real stuff. Just a suggestion. You're awesome Seth.
    4 points
  2. We're working on being more planned with our maintenance, we should follow a schedule although this is a problem only in alpha. It seems like even having a Server Status banner did not do the trick. I don't know how else to communicate to people who don't know how to look.
    2 points
  3. Hi Ninjas, Back again for another art development log. I have interesting news.. the focus of the art development has been shifted from Jutsus to the second village, the Hidden Village of Sand! I already teased you all a few days back with the new forum banner, but here's a proper development log of the art working in-game. Even more good news, my conscription in the military will be ending in a little over 4 months, that will mean a lot more time to work on Nin Online and more time to dedicate to the community, like I did in the past. Animated grass Before going into the Sand village, I decided to make the greenery in the game a little more lively. Look closely! Sand Flak Jacket & Headband These are the basic gear seen worn by most ninjas in the sand village. I'll be adding more customized looks for these in the near future. For example, a variation of the headband which has the cloth covering one eye. The flak jacket looks a little bit different on the female. It's more light weight and has chest space. The Southern Gates of the Sand Village Watch as my Sand Ninja enters the "gates" of Sand. World Map I'm looking to hear your opinions on the current design for the world map I'm working on. If it's not pleasing for you guys, I'll consider outsourcing drawing a more detailed map to an illustrator. I hope you guys like this. Feel free to give your feedback and harsh criticism. Also, once again, if there are any web developers interested in coding our new homepage, please PM me! Regards, Rory
    1 point
  4. How many programmers do you guys have now? I may be able to chip in if you need more engineering power. https://www.linkedin.com/pub/david-anderson/53/a73/a69
    1 point
  5. I appreciate every waking moment you guys put in to this game but please do not over do it and put your health at risk for it. Please be sure to get some rest and food.
    1 point
  6. Just a question, how much longer do you think it will be before the full game release?
    1 point
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