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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/23/2015 in all areas

  1. I am getting it up soon, making some optimizations to saving to ensure the server can keep up with our traffic.
    7 points
  2. https://www.ovh.co.uk/dedicated_servers/game/ That's the server we bought. Also, my programmers are barely sleeping, spending every moment awake trying to solve issues on the server, while I create more content for the next patch, all voluntarily with no benefits. Regards, Rory
    6 points
  3. Dear Ninja, The wait is over, we've fixed most serious issues with the Open Alpha hopefully... Here's a list of changes. Loading screen should display properly. It won't display upon logging out though since there's no map to load.Wipe issues have been resolved.Title items will now display properly in the item description window.Window is properly activated when mouse is moved over it.Fullscreen has been partially supported. You can enable it by pressing Alt + Enter/Return or inputting the command /fullscreen. If resolution is 1024x768 is lower, it will force it to be fullscreen.Login now fades into the game.Bug fixes with trade/fade-in and fade-out not clearing chat and PM text properly.Bug fixes with trade.Bug fix with logging in while in server select, displaying a window it shouldn't when fails.Bug fix with cursor freezing when the authentication server is offline and being in an infinite loop.Character window properly draws the weapon.Removed Map Cache.Optimizations and misc. bug fixes. Regards, Seth
    2 points
  4. We have people working on fixing it, I will announce when it comes back up. Not going to give any estimates right now. I don't want to try to bring it back up and have people get rolled back again.
    2 points
  5. https://instagram.com/p/9KaE7KNgUs/ best one so far LMFAO
    1 point
  6. I never expected turn nothing here but follow strictly the game, brought the community into nin, I am of the Ragezone Brazil Staff with about 66,000 members and over a 600~1200 online p/day , the only thing I asked Seth was to have early access to help find errors. I have great experience in games, patronicios and community management, and always tell the guys here, I am very happy to know how the project goes. keep work.
    1 point
  7. Do not use this software when playing Nin Online. it causes a red screen glitch. They warn you when using their software to disable for games that aren't on Raptr and tested. To uninstall the software you can go here, or simply just exit it out when playing this particular game.
    1 point
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