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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/25/2015 in all areas

  1. Whoever fixed this sure is a great web master.
    2 points
  2. Dear Ninjas, This must be the 100th time I've started a topic with "Dear Ninjas". Each time I do that, I feel a sense of achievement, because I'm either presenting something that the team has worked on, or announcing something to the followers of this project. Over 10 years ago, I was doing exactly what you guys are doing today, checking in on a Naruto fan MMO. I had watched 30+ episodes of Naruto and thought to myself "this concept is WAY too amazing to not have an MMORPG", so I googled it and found a bunch of fan games at the time - NarutoRealm and NarutoQuest mainly. I followed these two projects religiously, checking on the forums to see if there were any updates every few days. I was always looking forward to a release date, so you can imagine my disappointment and heart break to see both these projects slowly fade into death. This was when I decided to make Nin Online, and would spend years practicing art and game development to the point where I could create the game I so desperately wanted. Hence, you could say that Nin Online is not just another Naruto fan game. Nin Online is NarutoRealm, Nin Online is NarutoQuest, Nin Online is Last Ninja Online, Nin Online is Hidden Villages Online, Nin Online is NarutoRivals. Nin Online is the game that every person in the last 10 years has attempted to make, but had given up before even reaching a test stage. I have followed every single one of these projects. This game's purpose is to carry on the hours of work and heart put into all these projects, but this time we will see it happen. In 2013, I finally decided to make this dream game of my happen, and so I started working on it alone for a month before finally getting Whack on the team and announcing the game to the world. I was so surprised that the game gained an instant following. Flash forward to today, I still have my 'ninjas' coming in here everyday, giving me ideas, suggestions, advice, critique and even their money to make this game. It has been 2 years of development, and while we are only on the verge of a beta.. I am proud that Nin Online has gotten this far. Further than any other attempt at a Naruto fan game of this scale by years of work and I couldn't have gotten here without the support of all of my Ninjas, Gold Ninjas, Silver Ninjas and especially not without my trustworthy team of developers. It doesn't cross my mind on a day-to-day basis, but we have something really magical going on here. It's a collective dream happening. I am glad to be the one follower of this project 10 years ago, to finally make it happen. It doesn't stop here! Give my team your support as we push for a beta announcement date! Thank you for these 2 years, Ninjas. Thank you for making Nin Online what it is today! Regards, Rory
    1 point
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