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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/17/2015 in all areas

  1. Hi Ninjas, As you may know, Early Access tests have been going on for about a week now. Thanks to the dedication our testers have put in to find and report the bugs in the game, the programming team has been able to make good progress in making the game as stable as possible for our Final Open Alpha test. Furthermore, I've been able to spend a lot of time creating new content with my army conscription coming to an end in less than 2 months! We've added new gear and made good progress on the Sand Village. New Gear I've created two new styles of Forehead Protectors, mainly for Leaf ninjas, as well as two new weapons. Yamato Forehead Protector & Twin Fangs Tobirama Forehead Protector & Shirokata Medical Ninja Outfit Leaf Medical Ninjas can now access the Leaf Village Hospital supplies to buy their outfits. They come in 3 pieces, a coat, a skin tight mask and a hat. If you have the Medical Mastery and have learned Mystical Palm Technique, you meet the prerequisites to access the shop through Tasuke in the Leaf Village Hospital. Credits to @ The Sand Village Me and @Fernando have been working on creating the Sand Village for awhile now. With the final Open Alpha approaching, the dawn of the first Beta will include two villages and an epic war arc between the two. We're working hard on creating a beautiful village for all the Suna fans out there! While progress is good, we are still far away from creating another village to match the Leaf Village in size. If you've been around since the beginning, you should know the Leaf Village took a month for me alone! I hope you like what you see so far with the Sand Village, see you all in the final Open Alpha tests! Regards, Rory
    10 points
  2. Dear Ninjas, I've personally been enjoying my time in Early Access, communicating with everyone again for the first time in awhile. We've made good progress ironing out bugs in the past few days, but we're still a little bit away from opening alpha to all Gold/Silver ninjas and then to the rest of the community. Me and some of the early access testers put together a short trailer to hype everyone for the upcoming releases! https://youtu.be/X8Ms8KYWVhI I'd like to thank all the actors, as well as @Afilion aka. Justin West for the music. @ @ @ @Zepulous @ @Atrox @ They had a hard time with all the costume changes I made them do, and not forgetting Gender Change and Racial Equality Scorpion (inside joke). Thank you for the continued support, please do like and share the video if you enjoyed it. Also, remember subscribe to our YouTube channel as we will be posting video updates there soon. I also hope to record more footage of the game once we release to everyone so we can take more populated shots. So stay tuned for that! Regards, Rory
    1 point
  3. Told you... But no you didn't want to believe me @Atrox
    1 point
  4. Always great to see a dev log! Nice to see one from Rory again as well, been awhile! Suna's looking great!
    1 point
  5. I want to, but they are a lot of work.. we'll see!
    1 point
  6. Im very excited to see new development on Suna, it looks amazing i keep annoying Nemui and others telling them that it will be a long way until it will be released. BTW i know we dont necessary go with the exact anime way, but will Sand VIllage have some round shaped buildings? It looks great either was, im just asking
    1 point
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