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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/05/2015 in all areas

  1. Some gay shit going on here. I'm going to get my skills ready to spank some ass in game.
    1 point
  2. As a marketer, I disagree. No game should be open in alpha. We are a rare breed that developed from the ground up around a community.
    1 point
  3. We're going to release the game fairly early to Early Access and try to get Open Alpha 3 out in less than 2 months afterwards. This is the last wait, after this the game will remain open for many months for everyone. We need to prepare for a big lengthy test. The game is going to have a hard time remaining active as is, since there's not a lot of content. I hate giving dates cause they are hard to meet, but right now there's plans for a test in the coming weeks. Expect it in less than a month, most likely less than 2 weeks. This is what helps make the game possible. We do Early Access tests, because it allows us to test it like a real test. Once we fix all the bugs and problems, this won't be a problem in the real launch. This is why we spend so long ensuring the game will do well on launch day. Launch day for alpha is not the same as beta or release, but we have further plans to port the game to a new engine during beta which won't take that long. Although, we're keeping the game up and developing it side by side with additional programmers. It is a long journey for us, but we want the game to be successful.
    1 point
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