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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/30/2015 in all areas

  1. hello how are you all doing =)
    4 points
  2. I think the blind optimism is inspiring, really. Even now, with all this talk about developmental issues out in the open there remains dozens of dedicated players who hope for the best. You've got something good here. Truly. The people who leave butthurt comments in the chatbox complaining about progress will come and go - that's fine. Just never forget that there are tons of us supporting you guys and appreciating the work you're doing. Obviously our moral cheer-leading can't write code or make sprites, but I think hosting the game (at least temporarily) will restore a great deal of ambition to the staff. Hell, you could throw up the bare-boned pre alpha v.0003 and do bi-monthy minor patches and people would be absolutely ecstatic. I'm not saying lower your standards, just try to win one battle at a time. Dealing with lackadaisical staffers and impatience from the community at the same time will drive you insane. Put something out temporarily, get the community off your back, and take a deep breath. (The game being online and active couldn't hurt staff recruiting, either.)
    1 point
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