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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/28/2015 in all areas

  1. On the topic of keeping the game hosted while it is being developed. Is there even enough content currently done for something like that? Last time it as available for testing there wasn't much to do and I don't think any extreme amount of progress was done afterwards. Anywho, there is definitely an issue with the ones managing the team when team members and former team members can openly criticize how things are being ran like this.
    1 point
  2. This is exactly what the problem is. I wanted to make an extended post about 3 days ago saying this in such a thorough and informal way, but I don't have the drive anymore.
    1 point
  3. All you did was repeat exactly what I had said in twice as many words. Regardless, the reality of the situation is that the management of the game isn't great, and this is due to inexperience. No matter what Seth, Rory, myself, or anyone wants to believe, this is a matter of fact. In any professional environment, having as little as 5 years experience isn't something to brag about. That time doing one thing doesn't automatically correlate into another completely different task either. A simple example would be having 20 years of programming experience and then being hired as a supervisor for a team of programmers, this does not correlate into 20 years of management experience. Even despite all that, the focus at this point seem to be money(even though that isn't the primary issue). Where is the steam greenlight and kickstarter that was talked about years ago? Why did that never fall through? Have you guys even considered placing advertisements on the forum for non-gold members in order to help generate income to work on the game? You guys do know that this is how a lot of free games manage to stay free, don't you?
    1 point
  4. a nigga aint really been online lately but if your goal is finishing the entire game before you release it you're bound to fail in all honesty the game should of been released and updated as you progressed in development. Kai2cents
    1 point
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