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  1. Not necessarily. I'm not telling the devs they suck, just that there is room for improvement. If a particular strategy or path isn't working, then clearly something new has to be used to reach one's goal. Personally, I think that Seth fills too many roles in the development for the game and he's burned himself out a long time ago. The Ninonline staff got extremely lucky having him on staff or this project would have died out again not even a year after it's re-announcement. That being said, he also has his weaknesses which I won't list because this isn't an attempt to make him feel bad or shame him in any way. Hell, I have my own weaknesses, but I acknowledge them and improve myself so those weaknesses no longer exist. I mention Seth a lot more than I do any other member of the staff because at this point he essentially is the staff. There isn't a large enough font size, enough bold/italics/underline or any kind of visual effect that justifies just how extremely lucky Rory is to have found Seth to keep his game alive. This of course brings out the elephant in the room regarding Rory's weaknesses as well and whether or not he's willing to accept and improve upon them. I'm sure that he knows what his weaknesses are that can or have caused setbacks whether the public knows about it or not. The defining change will be to man up and do something about it. Seth and Rory are the only two owners of the game that I acknowledge as owners at all. I think at one point there were like five of them, I don't know if that's still the case. Management of the game basically falls on their shoulders. If they're willing to take a step back and ask themselves, ok, what are we doing right, wrong, and how can we fix it? Maybe they're not even qualified to come up with a solution to an existing problem. Maybe they have to ask around for advice and opinions, then go with what makes the most sense. This is the kind of thing that should be done more often as this is how problems are resolved. I've noticed a lot of "this is what we're doing, this is what we're going to do, this is what is going to happen" only to have none of it come true or get delayed indefinitely because either the solution was shit, or it just never fell through because "meh".
    2 points
  2. On the topic of keeping the game hosted while it is being developed. Is there even enough content currently done for something like that? Last time it as available for testing there wasn't much to do and I don't think any extreme amount of progress was done afterwards. Anywho, there is definitely an issue with the ones managing the team when team members and former team members can openly criticize how things are being ran like this.
    1 point
  3. The Nin staff have acknowledged themselves that little-to-no progress is being made. I respect their sincerity. However, their focus collectively as a team needs to be ''Nin Online''. I use the term ''team'' loosely; as it seems like they're just a congregation of individuals whom have a polar opposite approach to everything they do and then expect to get results at the end of it. This debate is pointless. Conserve your energy for your fap sessions.Have faith and find other distractions in the meantime.
    1 point
  4. This is exactly what the problem is. I wanted to make an extended post about 3 days ago saying this in such a thorough and informal way, but I don't have the drive anymore.
    1 point
  5. This is exactly how it should be, and I said it a long time ago, this is exactly why, in my case, my most activity periods are when the game is online and the players enjoy it, which is the only thing that motivates me to work on this besides helping Rory achieve his goals. Nobody gets paid here, that I know, at least not me, that I do the job or not. Besides, anything that I make, takes years to be added or isn't added at all because there's other stuff to work on. And no, it doesn't work that way either, if you know you're not getting paid you won't be doing the job or won't be doing it as willingly and with the same efficiency as someone who is actually going to get paid/getting paid. Money isn't a motivator for someone to do a good job, but it is a motivator to do the job, if I were getting paid, and trust me, I fucking need the money because I'm poor as shit I starve everyday and I have my own problems which the slightest money could fix, I would work my ass off even if I didn't want to. That applies for everyone in the team. Even tho all of that isn't excuse for why the game is nearly half a year late on being hosted, as said, it needs to at least keep being hosted as we progress on it, that is how a game is developed..
    1 point
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