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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/22/2015 in all areas

  1. You're simply not finding the right people. There are tons of successful fan made games where nobody was paid for their work. It was simply a project of like minded individuals working on something they were all interested in. Hiring anyone who will say "yeah I want to help" is a recipe for disaster. This is the reason companies have interviews rather than just hire the first guy that says he wants to work for them. You first priority should be to tell anyone not currently involved that they're fired and not to bother attempting to re-apply for any position in the staff. Allowing anyone to be part of the team who isn't contributing properly is a complete waste of time, tell them to fuck off.
    2 points
  2. No it isn't, that's exactly the mentality that causes setbacks. An artist who designs a few assets and then stops doing work completely, has contributed to nothing. Those same assets may need to be replaced later. Now the time that you could be spending working on the game is spent looking for a new artist. Apply the exact same shitty methodology with the new artists, rinse and repeat.
    1 point
  3. Because the practice of giving everyone an opportunity is extremely inefficient as opposed to going with the people best for the job to begin with. If this was normal practice nothing would get done, there would be no progress, and we would all be hunting and gathering for our food right now. Case and point, how many deadlines has this game missed? How much bullshit have you had to put up with? How many complaints have you had to read through? How many times have I had to become a loudmouth and raise my concerns? Progress isn't about being nice and giving everyone an opportunity, and as harsh as it sounds, this is the way of the universe and it is unavoidable if you want something done right.
    1 point
  4. I agree with Sipher. I've seen teams of teenage brats on byond put in more dedication than some of these "team members" you guys associate yourselves with.
    1 point
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