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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/19/2014 in all areas

  1. Dear Ninja, We are setting the date for Open Alpha 3 as TBD, this means that we do not have an estimated date for the test. We apologize for the delays and not announcing it earlier, but unexpected things happened that we did not expect. @Rory has been in the military as many of you know, but he was unable to return home when he thought, and is still in active training. He has very little access to a computer and even the Internet most of the time due to bad signals while in the army, so he can't work on the game at this time. It is expected around 2 weeks of time to finish up what we need done, but we must wait for him to come back before we can finish. Even though I have been programming despite this, we lack the necessary content planned for this test. Thanks, Seth
    1 point
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