Dear Ninjas,
In the past few months, we've been running relatively low on funds for our server. We're not going to die because of it. But It's been so bad that I had to pump in my own money to pay for our forum license. Army pays me peanuts, so the hit on my monthly spending power is pretty drastic. I don't really mind, I know that developing a game doesn't entitle you to have it float on it's own! But it would be a great if the game could support it's own development cost.
As always, funds are spent on Software licenses, Virtual Services, Server hosting, Web hosting & Commissions.
We've been working hard day and night to bring Nin Online great new contents, features and weeding out bugs for alpha 3. As such, we've decided that if we're able to get enough donations that the game will be able to sustain itself in the long term... we will push forward the Alpha by 16 days! Making the first closed alpha happen on the 15th July. This means that open alpha will also be pushed forward.
In addition to this, we will prepare ourselves to run the 1st Chunnin Exams shortly after. Alpha 3 Donations: $805/500
Goals: $250 - 1st Chunnin Exams held during Alpha 3 Chunnin Exams to be held in Open Alpha 3! $500 - Closed Alpha & Open Alpha brought forward by 16 days! Closed Alpha 3 moved up to July 15th!
We may extend our goal to $1,000.
How to donate?
All Ninja Credit bought between now and 10th July will be considered a donation to Alpha 3 funds! You will still be given your Ninja Credit, which will soon be used to buy cosmetic items such as hairstyles, faces and costumes. Click here to proceed straight to the cash shop to donate. Step-by-step guide Donors
Nin Online is only be possible with your support, we would like thank everyone who donates to the game.