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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/09/2014 in all areas
I'ts better than giving custom jutsu's, equipment or other stuff that could make a player stronger than the rest. I don't see anything wrong with this. I also don't think this would slow down the progress of which they are going now. I myself wouldn't buy a custom song by the way4 points
@Ryu Regardless of where the money goes, I think it's perfectly acceptable to sell aesthetic services; different colored names, unique clothing and more profile options are all pretty commonplace in other MMO communities, and those things don't impact game balance whatsoever. I do agree, however, that this seems to be pretty low on the list of priorities. Still, when you spend as much time working as Rory and Seth do, sometimes it's necessary to change pace and work on something just for the fun of it. I like and support this feature.3 points
I'm liking the progressive change I'm seeing for Nin. However, what's the purpose of having this implemented in-game? It just seems like a useless feature and waste of effort when your focus could be put into features that would get the community even more excited; extra villages, equipment, Jutsu, jail system, and an extensive dialogue for NPC's so they actually react differently in a conversation, depending on the answers you give them and perhaps attack your character if you piss them off. I'm not purposely trying to be negative. I've invested time and money into this project, so its only natural that I'd wish the best for this game instead of giving false praise. If false praise is what you would prefer, then; ''Wow, this is soooo good guyz, i will really enjoy listening and sharing music with my fruuundz ingame. This is so cool, I will upload some Justin bieber into this game and share with all the other shinobeehz my favourite ones.'' Lastly, this sentence alone changed my view of Nin. It seems you guys are contemplating to offer additional services in return for money, segregating those whom can't afford such luxuries to be left bitter and feeling insignificant. Don't ruin this great project by making it money orientated. Yes, I'm aware you need support for server costs amongst other things but offering services such as custom songs for those who pay is just ridiculous.3 points
I personally woudn't care for having a profile song in the game. A neat idea for people who do want ot contribute to the game and get something back in return though. I do agree with @Ryoshi. If Nin-Online only has 1 music composer it may be a lot of work for one person when the game is officaly released and picks up on popularity. I'm sure you guys could always find more staff to hire if that happens though and have a decent sized music team. I do have a few questions though: Will there be an option in game to mute profile songs? I can see myself 3am in the morning playing the game on a weekend and clicking some peron's profile and imediately becoming iritated by what I hear and wanting to mute it. How does this go in terms of copy right? If people are able to upload there own songs I would hate if Miley Cyrus sues our asses because some random person has Wrecking Ball as their theme song. Also will there be any guidelines that have to be followed in regards to your song? A maximum length the song can be, no extreme profanity etc?3 points
*Yawns* It's 5:30 in the morning, so whatever I say now is subject to change. As this game grows in size, the community will grow along with it, much --- much more people will be here, I'm expecting to see in the hundreds, thousands even. I'm sure you all have planned for a community size of such, but that's just scratching the surface. Pratically, it would be quite challenging for one composer to handle hundreds upon hundreds of requests and not get at-least one -wrong- or not up to the requester's standard, or even blatantly forget to compose a song for a certain individual all together. Not to mention making music from scratch isn't a walk in the park, all the instruments must be synchronized etc. Unless @Afilion uses a skeleton for all of the music created during this process, which I think will make all the music have a hint of similarity, it would be quite a time consuming job. In conclusion, if this is a one man job, sure it may work for the community as it is now, but as we grow in size, it will become more taxing on the composer. You all need others.3 points
Shiro through my perspective I guess. I based it off of the drawing of shiro, but I think I changed enough of it where it could be considered a newer take on a piece.2 points
Your conclusions are blown way out of proportion. Custom songs to support server costs is ridiculous? We're not selling $120 Sage Harashima packages & $100 for infinite SP to support holidays for Lao. What we're doing is finding ways in which we can give potential backers an incentive to support the game monetarily without breaking the balance of the game to support the development of the game and server fees. Or is "Profile Songs in game" too OP and Pay2Win for you?2 points
2 points
Reasons This service is a way for @Afilion to get something back from the project, and is not going to the project itself. It is a service that is being offered for him as a third party contractor, it both enriches the community and helps him monetarily. This definitely will not affect the game in a negative way, because it took me a couple hours to do it, and I am tired of working on other things in the game at the moment. This is a break from that to allow me to relax and do something different. As for villages, Jutsus, and the like, we've been adding new content everyday. Why exactly should we be miserable making the game? Sometimes it is good to mix things up. Although, this service is obviously one of many we will offer, and those will actually fund the project directly. Those who contract @Afilion, will be motivating him to continue to do free work for it though. Change I have decided to make some changes to this system already... Instead of linking your profile song, we will make tracks that you can select as your character's RP song which will be used for initialization of combat such as in the arena, and other players will be able to listen to it by right clicking your character and selecting "Play Theme Song". We may eventually force you to use your Theme Song in place of your Profile Song, but that is still undecided, and this may be a paid service only since theme songs are personalized. We're not sure if we will make default theme songs for people to choose freely, it is still up for discussion. I hope that with these changes, more people will think this is a great RP element to be added to the game which will allow people to be more in character. This system has been postponed though, and the current state of it will remain unfinished until later. Thank you all for your feedback.1 point
@ . That is pretty good. Seems like he can actually do something in a fight compared to the actual art where they look like kids modeling ;p1 point
You say that as if people will actually be listening to the music. I'll be blasting progressive house music with Nin on mute the entire time1 point
If Afillion is sure that it wouldn't be a pain in the ass to continue composing for someone, then that's a good idea I guess, but I wouldn't pay for because I don't have money like that to throw. The organization song is a great feature, but at the moment it's a useless feature and isn't gonna lure early testers as it's not that significant. At the moment Organizations are pretty useless since really Konoha is the only village and we won't be able to fight against anyone else. That would result in Organization songs being useless as well for the moment. It's useless for the moment, but hey I still like the idea.1 point
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Okay, here we go... First I'd like to say that I couldn't help but showing my own mental image of how Taki looks. My feelings may have spilled over into her design a bit Also, the wrong colored pencils were used for the colored version. Unable to blend it at all, which is why it looks lame and flat! Lesson: Never draw at night. I might re-draw it later. But for now! Here's 'Sexy Taki'1 point
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