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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/31/2014 in all areas

  1. Seth's Development Log #7 Fullscreen, Splash Screen, and Misc. Improvements Fullscreen You may now enter fullscreen mode by pressing Alt + Enter or by inputting the /fullscreen command. Once you enter fullscreen mode, it will be saved, and each time you launch the game it will restore your preferred setting automatically. Splash Screen While the game is loading, it will display a splash screen. This screen will fade in as the game loads and fade out once the game has finished loading. We've also improved the game's loading to be very fast which means that there is no need to have a loading screen any longer. Item and Jutsu Description Overhaul We've improved the coloring for the level, rank, and type requirement to be more informative and consistent with the other parts of the game. For example, if you do not meet the level requirement for an item, it will show as red rather than green. Green demonstrates that you pass the requirement. Red demonstrates that you do not pass the requirement. Chakra cost has been added to the Jutsu description. Projectile Improvements We've added where projectiles can hit in all 8 directions. They also are able to explode or animate once they come into contact with a solid object such as a wall or corpse. This also means that once a projectile hits a corpse, it will end prematurely, too. 8 Directional Attacks You can now attack from all 8 directions, the same goes for NPCs and other players. Hotbar Improvements We've added the ability to swap your hotbar slots by holding shift and dragging them to the slot that you desire. You may now also destroy slots just by dragging them off the hotbar, but this is not in our demonstration.
    1 point
  2. Holy, use spoilers bro.. Lol, anyways good artwork, I figured you were going to put your face in one of these lol since you love photography :
    1 point
  3. So before I began, I will say that I did this for Amazi. She challenged me to try something that I didn't think I would be good at. I'm not the biggest fan of drawing art or painting, However for Amazi I decided to work hard at this and do the best I could do with the little bit of equipment that I had lol. To start, I used a pin. Now of course this is the worse thing you could possibly do with the draft of your art project as I had no way of erasing the mistakes I made on my drawing. I decided to go with something basic. So instead of drawing something extremely complex or too hard, I took multiple pictures of Kakashi and pieced them together to draw his face. It wasn't as easy as I thought it would have been. Take my word for it, Kakashi's ears are bordering on suicide using a pin. ha ha Here are the portraits I decided to use for Kakashi. Looking at those pictures was tricky and for some strange reason it was more difficult to find a picture of Kakashi's face online without the sharingan open. I had to carefully draw slow so as to not mess up the the most important feature of Kakashi's face, his head band. Even then, with that pin I probably did more damage than I did good. With further and do, here are the drawings of Kakashi's face that I drew. It goes from the beginning to the full finished colored art work. Using my camera on this was fun. I actually enjoyed this. Amazi was right. :-) I hope you guys like it :-D Oya I almost forgot, I'm not doing this for the art competition, I only did it for Amazi because I promised her. *New Add* Please feel free however, to add this to the competition if you would like to, so as to get the community together. Thank You :-D
    1 point
  4. You should probably specify exactly what Ninonline fan art is supposed to be. Anyone can copy/paste a picture from deviant art on Naruto and call it Ninonline because there is no really distinguishing the difference between the two, not visually anyways. The only real original art I've seen is the Ninonline logo, and rapeface staring at the purple haired girl while Rory's portrayed character frowns in between them.
    1 point
  5. This competition is meant for drawings/paintings
    1 point
  6. I nominate my thread.
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. I'm a terrible artist, but I want the silver and a pencil.. lol. -reserved-
    1 point
  9. Hey Shinobi, This may be a little pointless if you've been keeping up with the development logs. But I'm writing to express my excitement about our progress in the past months. If you were a member since our early alpha tests in August, you would have known how much we were lacking in the combat department. Exciting combat, however, is starting to be a reality in-game thanks to the tireless efforts of @ and @Abhi2011 Coupled with amazing new sound track by our resident composer, @Afilion, the world of Nin Online is starting to take full shape. This isn't an official announcement about the next Open Alpha test, but right now we have a few goals and expectations for the upcoming open alpha and an internal dateline to achieve these by. When we are approaching the date with more assurance, we will announce it, so stay tuned! On behalf of the whole staff team, I'd like to thank all our members for staying excited, believing in us and giving Nin Online your continued support! Ino has something to say as well! Regards, Rory
    1 point
  10. The second most spoken language in this world is English. Though, it is the official language of more countries than any other language. The most spoken language would be Mandarin, but that's only because it's one of the most populated places on the planet(sources:http://listverse.com/2008/06/26/top-10-most-spoken-languages-in-the-world/ information from 2008). Anyways, gaming wise, you should most definitely have English and Portuguese/Spanish, no matter what.
    1 point
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