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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/21/2014 in all areas

  1. Seth's Development Log #7 Fullscreen, Splash Screen, and Misc. Improvements Fullscreen You may now enter fullscreen mode by pressing Alt + Enter or by inputting the /fullscreen command. Once you enter fullscreen mode, it will be saved, and each time you launch the game it will restore your preferred setting automatically. Splash Screen While the game is loading, it will display a splash screen. This screen will fade in as the game loads and fade out once the game has finished loading. We've also improved the game's loading to be very fast which means that there is no need to have a loading screen any longer. Item and Jutsu Description Overhaul We've improved the coloring for the level, rank, and type requirement to be more informative and consistent with the other parts of the game. For example, if you do not meet the level requirement for an item, it will show as red rather than green. Green demonstrates that you pass the requirement. Red demonstrates that you do not pass the requirement. Chakra cost has been added to the Jutsu description. Projectile Improvements We've added where projectiles can hit in all 8 directions. They also are able to explode or animate once they come into contact with a solid object such as a wall or corpse. This also means that once a projectile hits a corpse, it will end prematurely, too. 8 Directional Attacks You can now attack from all 8 directions, the same goes for NPCs and other players. Hotbar Improvements We've added the ability to swap your hotbar slots by holding shift and dragging them to the slot that you desire. You may now also destroy slots just by dragging them off the hotbar, but this is not in our demonstration.
    9 points
  2. Rory's Development Log #16 Lightning Current Technique Dear Shinobi, Today I worked on the technique animation for Lightning Current Technique aka. Chidori Nagashi. In the past few days, I've worked on a lot of random techniques and their art, and spent some time to implement the Earth Techniques done by Kimi a long time ago. Lightning Current Technique AoE Lightning Technique which deals damage to all enemies in it's 3 tile radius. Poison Cloud Technique Again I've smoothed out the Poison Cloud Technique animation with more frames at the start, and I've improved the overall look by cleaning up the pixels. It's now working in-game! Rock Pillar Prison Technique This technique was done by @Kimi awhile back, but it's finally been implemented! It stuns the enemy for a brief while to open him/her to attacks. Earth Stump Technique Another technique by Kimi, this is the Earth Stump Technique, a targeted damage attack. Special Weapon Techniques These are 3 special techniques that utilize ninja tools as ammunition. Poison Senbons (Medical) Explosive Kunai (Weapon) Wind Shurikens (Wind) That's all for today! Look forward to more exciting Jutsus from me soon. Regards, Rory
    2 points
  3. I can think of a few things. Excellent work here, @Afilion.
    1 point
  4. Could you guys be any more diligent? The amount of work you guys put in is crazy. We are appreciative. We wuv you guys. Tank you!!!
    1 point
  5. I look at these dev logs, and I jizz, in, my pants!
    1 point
  6. God damn Rory. Behave yourself! Something i've noticed though. It doesn't seem like the characters have a "got hit" animation. They just stand there like nothing happened when taking damage. Not much of a big deal but I think it would be really nice if characters flinched or something when taking hits.
    1 point
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