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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/15/2014 in all areas

  1. Hey Shinobi, This may be a little pointless if you've been keeping up with the development logs. But I'm writing to express my excitement about our progress in the past months. If you were a member since our early alpha tests in August, you would have known how much we were lacking in the combat department. Exciting combat, however, is starting to be a reality in-game thanks to the tireless efforts of @ and @Abhi2011 Coupled with amazing new sound track by our resident composer, @Afilion, the world of Nin Online is starting to take full shape. This isn't an official announcement about the next Open Alpha test, but right now we have a few goals and expectations for the upcoming open alpha and an internal dateline to achieve these by. When we are approaching the date with more assurance, we will announce it, so stay tuned! On behalf of the whole staff team, I'd like to thank all our members for staying excited, believing in us and giving Nin Online your continued support! Ino has something to say as well! Regards, Rory
    7 points
  2. Nothing long probably a 3frame animation just showing the tag catch fire will be enough...
    1 point
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