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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/10/2014 in all areas

  1. Seth, I apreciate you guys are looking at the community and asking for input regarding this and here are my suggestions: Why even follow the Naruto format where one element has to be weak against something and strong against the other? I honestly don't see how a gust of wind is gonna beat a boulder or even lightning! I understand that you guys are trying to branch out from the Naruto realm more and make the game more unique. Drop the rock-papper-scissors approach and make each element unique and have different values dependingon what it's up against. For example a strong enough breeze will put out a small flame where as a weak breeze would make a great fire roar stronger! So the way this would work in the game is if a basic wind jutsu is used against a stronger fire technique then the fire jutsu would grow stronger. However, if the wind jutsu is stronger than the fire jutsu then the flames would be extinguished. Another example of this suggestion could be used in fire vs earth. If the fire is strong it can melt rocks and turn them into lava. If you throw a bunch fo dirt/sand on a small campfire you will extinguish it though. Even in something like water vs fire. If the heat is too strong the water will evaporate. Now this doesnt mean that just because a jtusu is stonrger than the other it would win: A jutsus strength would be based on the rank of the ability, how much the person has mastered this skill and this ninja's ninjutsu abilities. So for example if 2 ninjas use jutsus of different elements that are of the same rank but one is more skilled in the art of ninjutsu then he has a greater chance to overpower his opponent. I'm sure we could come up with a formula to work things out if you would be interested in an approach like this. We could still even use the mechanic where a jutsu strentgh is calculated based on what its up against before what is mentioned aboved takes place. Such as fire is only 50% effective before the calculation of ninjutsu str etc is added on versus a water ability. But against something like lightning it would be at 100% and then the calculations are done. Another suggestion would be to add more elements than just hte main 5. Surely we could in coperate things such as ice, wood, magma, dark, light etc into the mix. Hopefully you review my suggestion and give me a reply, Seth!
    1 point
  2. I'm assuming the port to unity was scrapped. The real question is, how long did it take to create this tiny demo? Ninonline has gone through several revisions over the years, and last year alone it went from VB6(Which I thought was a horrible idea, VB6 is not well suited for making games) to Unity for several months, and now HTML5. This requires that all the ideas for the game be re-coded into a different language. My fear is that you guys have a lot of trouble making up your minds. Either not being able to stick with the original plan, or not doing enough research on what the best course of action is. When a new technology is decided to be used halfway through, most of that time previously spent goes to waste. I've been here for over 7 months and am now being told that the entire game's code has basically been reset and starting over from scratch again. It's completely understandable that you guys are a small team and things will take longer to complete, but please make up your damn minds. The only reason there aren't more people bringing up these concerns like me, is because the majority of your player base doesn't understand how ridiculous Ninonline's development has been. Whether it be because they don't understand the development process, or don't care and just want to play the game. I wish only the best of luck to you guys, hopefully you can stick to the plan and some real progress can be made after 7 months.
    1 point
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