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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/14/2013 in all areas

  1. My native language is aramic language but it's not up there. =/ 1. Aramic (My parents native language. We still use it at home) 2. Arabic 3. Swedish (my native language - born in Sweden. I don't claim to be a swede just for that reason.) 4. English 5. German ~~ 6. Spanish 7. Italian Studied both of them but I am starting to forget both of them because I have not used them in like 6-8 years now. ~~ 8. Turkish 9. Japanese I just understand when I hear ppl talk (just part of it)
    1 point
  2. Ya, adverting other games on this site isn't the best lol. However when I clicked the link everything was in a different language.
    1 point
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