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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/30/2013 in all areas

  1. In response to those of you who didn't get your Gold Member Credit, there seems to be an issue between those of us who purchased before the cash shop was changed and the 'reward'
    2 points
  2. I talk with Bardo how a hour ago, and he live in Argentina how me, but he live in other city, soo i think what we can't have any problem at time to translate side by side
    1 point
  3. Silver currently really isn't hard to get at all. All it takes is a little devotion and finger sweat and you'll get that silver badge in a heart beat..
    1 point
  4. Introduction We're implementing a new method to handle troublemakers in the community, after this we will no longer give mercy to people who break rules, so be sure to understand the Three Strikes You will be given three chances to come back to the community when you reach 10 warning points, or if you continue to misbehave after being disciplined; we can ban you even if you do not reach 10 warning points. Strike 1 3 month ban. Strike 2 6 month ban. Strike 3 12 month ban. Final You can never return to the community with that account, email, or IP again. Exceptions If you are banned within a one month period of your previous ban, it can lead to a permanent ban depending upon how the staff view your punishment. If you are botting, hacking, or causing damage to our website/game in any shape or form you will not be granted the Three Strike Rule. If you are exploiting the game, we may consider it as well; depending upon how much damage you do or persuade others to do with you.
    1 point
  5. Bullying Bullying is something that everyone has had to deal with at one point or another. It's a disgusting, brutal thing which can absolutely destroy a person. Systematic bullying is a huge problem in real life, and whether this occurs at home, at school or at work it can be just as damaging. In all of its forms bullying is completely unacceptable. Schools and places of work have rules in place to combat bullying, and these are backed up by legislation (at least in the UK). I'm afraid I can't really help with real-life bullying other than offering advice or simply listening to what you have to say. If you need someone to talk to, please get in touch. Sometimes it helps to just have someone understand what you're going through. If you want more information or help then there are some great sites which you can visit, such as bullying.co.uk. Internet Bullying Also known as 'Cyberbullying' or 'Online Bullying' this is a relatively new concept which has been making headlines. The internet offers a completely anonymous playground where people can act however they want. Naturally, this leads to a lot of situations where bullying takes place. Wikipedia - Examples of what constitutes cyberbullying include communications that seek to intimidate, control, manipulate, put down, falsely discredit, or humiliate the recipient. The actions are deliberate, repeated, and hostile behavior intended to harm another. Cyberbullying has been defined by The National Crime Prevention Council: “When the Internet, cell phones or other devices are used to send or post text or images intended to hurt or embarrass another person." When people talk about cyber bullying they generally refer to people you know in real life using internet technology to carry existing bullying through in to a new medium. This isn't always true, however. Bullying in Nin I've seen the effects of bullying first-hand. Hell, if I look back to when I was a teenager I can see myself bullying people both in real life and on the internet. Sometimes the people doing the bullying don't realise what they're doing is genuinely effecting someone, and from a lot of the ex-bullies I've talked to many of them were bullied themselves. This kind of behaviour is simply not acceptable. Nin's (specifically #5, #6 and #12) explicitly state that we will follow standard disciplinary practices if we find any evidence of bullying in this community. Anything you post on this forum, regardless of whether it's through a PM, through a status message or forum post must abide by these rules. This is something which everyone must follow. Your position in the community does not put you above these guidelines. Veteran members especially must make sure they set a good example for people coming in to this community. If we feel that your behaviour is having a negative impact on the image of this community or game then you will have your posting privileges revoked, and in extreme circumstances your account banned. Please, please think very carefully about if what you're saying to someone could be seen as bullying. Your words carry weight, and you must wield them responsibly. You can report bullying through the standard report systems. If you feel like you're being bullied by a member of staff and don't feel comfortable talking to them about it please get someone else involved. Everyone in the team is accountable for their actions, and these actions will be scrutinised by the rest of the team if something like this occurs. Together we can keep this forum going strong. Thanks, Robin
    1 point
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