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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/11/2013 in all areas

  1. Introduction We're working on moving over to a new host for our game server and adding a new website portal. Website Preview This is an early preview and will likely change drastically when it is released. Sponsors We want to thank our new sponsors for their contribution for making all of this possible.
    5 points
  2. I think it all depends on the importance of a title or how it will tie in with Nin. If titles are just meant to be something people have floating above their heads for the hell of it, the option to be able to change it when ever is the best route. If it should be something that other players should want to strive for and have floating above their heads because it proves that individual has done something extraordinary, since we are of course in a ninja world , the fourth option is the best way to go. I personally like the fourth compared to all other options because it gives the development team to be more creative with titles and how they should be earned as well as adds a bit more competition to the game among players. Say for example, there is a max of 20 titles that can be gained, and there is a log book that logs every title earned by a player and giving them the option to choose which one they want to be showcased above their head (Which can be looked at as the 1st option which would than make the 6th option my choice if this is what you meant by "complete freedom"). The person with all titles unlocked gets a special suit or cape or something to show they've gained all available titles. As more titles are added in, the prize given for gaining all the new titles added in will be different from the previous one. Just a little thought on the idea, hope it changes all your votes :wub:
    1 point
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