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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/20/2013 in all areas

  1. We've uploaded a new installer for everyone having issues with the updater.
    1 point
  2. Loving the installation screen. There is a topic already started in the bug session regarding the updater issue-----
    1 point
  3. Don't make it Silver and Gold only that would make the rest of the community feel unwanted, it's bad for a developing community.
    1 point
  4. Whack's Development Log #1 Graphical User Interface Hello everyone, welcome to my first dev log! For the past week, I have been working on the GUI, or the graphical user interface. Basically, it is the buttons and visual pieces that you use in game to view your characters stats, your inventory, people talking, and other things not part of the Nin world. For the most part, I am done with the menu interface. It looks beautiful, feels smooth, and the sound effects and music really finish it off. As soon as you open the menu, it will immerse you into the fantastic and exciting Naruto world, and that is definitely something that we want. Although it might seem like an easy task, GUIs are one of the most time consuming and boring parts of programming. I program because I enjoy it, but when I tell you that I hate GUI programming, I'm not exaggerating. It's pretty bad! Alas, I am nearing the end of it, as all I have left is renderring common windows such as inventory, character, options, friends, missions and others. It should only take a few more weeks to finish up, and then I will be working on core gameplay features. Speaking of features... There are a few things I have already programmed into Nin Online. For one, there are over 20 animations for each player. Walking, running, attacking with two hands, hand to hand combat, punching, kicking, breathing, standing, and even dead bodies. This took a lot of work from Rory, and a lot from me as well. No matter how hard a mapper works to make the game look good, animations are what makes a game feel beautiful. The constant moving of water or players makes the game feel alive, and makes it fun for everyone. Anyways, thanks for reading, and I'm looking forward to bringing you all more content soon! Regards, Whack
    1 point
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