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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/01/2013 in all areas

  1. Well now to patiently wait for Suna to be in game and make some faction that has to deal with puppets(once they're released as well)
    2 points
  2. Nin Online Roleplay I doubt anyone who is under level 5 is even going to take this seriously but I think since we're open to the public that those of us who which too should totally start to 'live' our lives as shinobi out! Of course, there is a vast majority of players who are simply here to grind mobs and and kill players. Not like this is going to stop me from attempting to get something together formally so that those of us who are here to Roleplay can do so during Alpha. If you're willing to participate, please drop your Biography in your user profile. This isn't official to Nin-Online, or anything but I thought it would help pass the time and even help sort out somethings.. somehow? But yea, it's really simple.. When encountering people on the list you'd treat it as if you were your character or quite simply ignore them and keep doing what you're doing. If you're not on the list, or if you chose to mindlessly PvP and/or kill things with another member of this group then we can't stop you in anyway shape or form. We're just here to role play and have a good time living out our childhood dreams of being a Naruto-style ninja! The only rule! Keep in mind that in order to participate that you're required to have a name without symbols or numbers, a name that you would name your child if you were an adult Naruto-style ninja! The story so far! (Official Prologue by and quoted from Rory) Note # 1: Some of us would be starting our journey as Genin instead due to already progressing through the story line of the Academy Note #2: You may be any level to participate as long as you 'clear' the only rule. Note #3: ?Do not act out your character outside your means, meaning if your stats stay Genin, you are a Genin.. etc etc. Participants in Nin Online Roleplay; FernandoIzunaAtrox MarsOrbit - Kisame AbumiRelaxin - Mamoru DeyoubiNeptuneOrbit - Kasheek AbumiDayumChervanTaizoUzumaki KazemaRaidenElpChidori - Shirou Kurotsuki Current Time!
    1 point
  3. also would be cool to have in game calendar with year and month.To make rp chronology of what happened in our world.
    1 point
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