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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/27/2013 in all areas

  1. Dear Ninja, In the past 2 weeks since we've launched the Alpha test 2 for Gold/Silver Ninja, we have spent countless hours debugging, rewriting codes and adding new features. It has been very hectic and hence the time that was needed to prepare the server for open testing was delayed quite awhile. However, we are going to open the server to everyone starting tomorrow. The game is still buggy, lacking in content and may crash occasionally, but helping us test to further improve the game will be much appreciated. The game's development is slightly behind schedule, but we will push on forward with all of your support! Please note: There will be wipes & there will be crashes. But each time that happens, just know that you've helped us move forward through these tougher times! Opening time will be: Waiting for announcement. Regards, Rory
    2 points
  2. I cant wait , I guess ill play more GTA 5
    1 point
  3. 6PM PST, it's on the first post. EDIT: Yoshimitsu beat me, darn. Since I was beat, I went ahead and converted the time to UTC + 1:00 for you, I believe it will be released at 2am in Poland.
    1 point
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