Yoshimitsu's Suggestions for Whenever Possible! First and foremost, I believe that you should only be able to talk to NPCs when you are not in PvP Mode!
?However, when you attempt to press Ctrl to talk to them when you're in PvP Mode, there is a form of reaction from your character that you would only expect from a criminal.
Well not literally that reaction, but when you attempt to talk to them, they either begin to fight you for their life as an aggressive mob or run! If you're cruel enough to kill one of these villager NPCs, your effort to be evil shouldn't go unrewarded however. They should drop some form of item that you can sell to the shops and their death should also increase your 'bounty' variable by a set amount. Personally though I'd leave the Village NPCs levels to the discretion of the developers.
Also, killing villagers from your own village gives more bounty.. Killing them from others would give less.