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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/20/2013 in all areas

  1. I'm going to assume that botting isn't discouraged, but just about everyone in the forum will agree with me that it will lead many people to quit, and/or stop funneling their time into this game and become more and more disinterested.
    3 points
  2. Despite being closed, this is something I was already aware of before reading this topic. I noticed people talking about creating their bots in global chat the other day - I just hadn't prioritized it. Botting is not allowed and everyone doing it will not be allowed to do it for long.
    2 points
  3. Dear Ninjas, I'm glad to inform everyone that server has been actively running without crashes for the past 7 hours. As such, I'm pleased to announce that our Alpha Test 2 will continue as planned from this moment onward, any other server crashes will be considered minor compared to what we have had to deal with in the past 2 days. We have our new programmers Dawid R & Seth to thank for all the hours put into fixing these bugs causing the crashes. (not even exaggerating here) Nin Online wouldn't have made it through this without these two. In all honesty, this rocky start has not been easy for any of us. But things will only get better from here! We have to thank all the members who have shown only understanding and support to the staff as we pushed through the tough situation. I'm glad that we have such loyal supporters, some who even went through the trouble of sending us motivational PMs and thanking the team for the hard work. Thank you everyone! We will commence the Alpha Test 2 Phase 2 (Open Alpha) in a few days time, so stay tuned for an announcement! Regards, Rory
    1 point
  4. The problem with your opinion is that this isn't a single player game and the actions you make affect the rest of the community.
    1 point
  5. Or they believe in playing the game how it's meant to be played, or even more simplistic, fairness.
    1 point
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