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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/17/2013 in all areas

  1. Make Out Tactics! SPOILER WARNING! This topic is just an ongoing compilation of things that could be helpful to you and your character, especially when the first thing just about anyone asks for is what is this and what does it do to or for me? This thread also contains the crap that people tend to skip to get into the action side of most games, the MECHANICS! Make-Out Tatic's Credit list! [*], Izuna, Anarchy and the entire staff of Nin Online Brought to you by: ANIMAL CRUELTY!!!
    3 points
  2. This is literally just a way of further eliminating the players which I have started to title as 'Hunters' due to the fact they wait for the perfect time and steal drops from players who killed the mobs in the first place. It is common knowledge to most serious and casual MMO gamers that your drops are under your ownership until a timer runs out, which allows others to take your drops from you.. if you even wanted them. I'm only personally suggesting that we add a drop timer or drop proximity which makes it so you can't pick up drops that are near the player who caused them to drop or under the 'timer'. If this makes sense to anyone, considering I'm half-sleep... It just means no more DSers.
    3 points
  3. Dear Ninjas, The Alpha Test 2 server is down temporarily but indefinitely until we manage to solve the server crashes. Once this is settled, the alpha will continue as planned. The Gold and Silver ninjas will continue to have early access and we will continue finding more bugs to weed out before opening to the public. Credit to @Rinno for this wonderful banner/picture! We are sorry for the inconvenience caused, we hope to have it fixed as soon as possible, but we do not have an ETA. Check back regularly to see when it goes Live again, but please refrain from spamming our staff and/or forums regarding this. Regards, Rory
    2 points
  4. All good Rory. The game is still in alpha so bugs and downtime are to be expected. No need to apologize to us you haven't done anything wrong, but if you want maybe we can have a huge event once the game is live again xD.
    2 points
  5. Anarchy a Thirsty Nigga Who been out in the desert without water for a week.
    1 point
  6. Yep, His topic lied to me, I was expecting something more Pervy-Sage quality, then I get a tutorial, I can never trust again.
    1 point
  7. i bet this topic title attracted the wrong type of people
    1 point
  8. I'll add this to the pinned thread if you can keep it updated. Good job. Just add some anime cleavage to achieve perfection.
    1 point
  9. Shirts are too main stream, I want tattoos bro
    1 point
  10. Rinno, u thieve.. Lol I would say streetz stands out the most . I should of done some ninjutsu right before the pic to make me look cool.
    1 point
  11. LOOL take your time bro ^_^ the longer you take the better for the server (Only saying this because i enjoyed my time on Nin Online, so i can wait longer for it now!)
    1 point
  12. There will be different headbands to match different styles players may prefer! I'm going to be doing one which wears under and one above, as well as Zabuza style, Kakashi style, worn as a belt etc.
    1 point
  13. There will be summons, but I'm not too sure how they will work for now. I would not like there to be players who can summon many kinds of creatures at a low level. However, variety is a good thing too. Sasuke can summon a hawk and snakes, while Pain has dozens of them. Maybe the limit on learning to summon a creature should happen every 30 levels?
    1 point
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