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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/14/2013 in all areas

  1. Dear Ninja, I'd just like to reveal to your the prologue of Nin Online. It will give you a rough idea of what to expect for the in-game storyline and roleplay backstory. Brace yourselves! Prologue Two hundred years have passed since the 4th Shinobi World War, during which the world was saved from a threat to its existence. It is becoming harder for new leaders to honor the alliances made by their predecessors; the bonds formed during the war are becoming unstable and the peace between villages is beginning to grow questionable. Meanwhile, a copycat group who operate under the same name as the Akatsuki has come to light. Initially not viewed as a threat, the organization was allowed to establish itself before anyone could take notice of them. Their objectives are mysterious and their new leader is unknown. Mankind had made progress in changing age old-traditions of sealing the tailed beasts within power ninja. For years they have roamed the world freely and peacefully, but now have started to behave aggressively. The villages fear the beasts may be under someone's control, and are strengthening their defenses to protect their villages from the threat of destruction and the possibility of another war erupting in their time. Born into a generation which has known only peace and has never witnessed war, you start your journey as an academy student about to venture into the world of ninja. Responsibilities come with every decision you make. Will you become a force for peace and exact your justice, or will you descend into darkness and bring this world to an end? Hope you enjoy the quick read, more details on the history and what has happened between the end of the 4th Shinobi World War and the events of Nin Online will be revealed as we get closer to the beta! Regards, Rory
    2 points
  2. Rory's Development Log #8: The darker places It's been awhile since my last development log. Since then, we had a short early alpha test release, which brought to light many many problems which we're working on fixing before the near alpha test. I have also taken the time to create and implement new content. In the early alpha, everyone was confined in a bright and shiny Konoha. I've decided to open up the world just a little bit bigger. You can now explore the forests surrounding Konoha and even enter some darker places. Who knows what kind of dangers lie in stall for you outside of the village! Without further ado, here are some of the maps that I've created. For those who don't know much about mapping, it's a lot of work especially for tiles on a grander scale than the usual BYOND 32x32 tiles. It's made harder by the fact you have to balance between layers above the characters and below. Luckily, our map editor is user friendly enough and I've managed to complete 5 forest maps so far. This one is a familiar scene to Naruto fans! Also notice how we've added some really pretty light rays for day time in the maps. We now have a time system, 2x faster than the real world clock. Hiding jutsus will work more effectively at night, so invasions and fights in the night are going to be interesting! On to some.. darker places. These are war zones, so everyone is in danger here regardless of whether anyone has toggled PvP. Here is a blocked bridge. And.. a small road split. These are some screenshots of the 4 times of day in action. Night Sunrise Sunset Sunrise You've seen this in the screenshots at the beginning of the dev log. Well now that everyone has seen what we've been up to.. I hope you guys understand when I say, there's still a lot to do. We definitely won't be able to make a re-release within the next 10 days. So hold your horses for a little while! We apologize. Regards, Rory
    2 points
  3. Rory will require a $300 donation from if he wants to lead Otogakure.
    1 point
  4. now, where did i put the meme, ah there it is
    1 point
  5. Let's be honest here, Origins is waaay more powerful than BYOND. That's not an insult, that's not arrogant pride, it's fact. Comparing a custom-built, performance conscious, open-source application to a user-friendly scripting engine is like comparing apples and oranges. Each one serves a different purpose. BYOND's tech is there to make it as easy as possible for people new to computers to make any kind of game. Origins was developed precisely because applications like that are inherently wasteful and slow. If you look in the code, especially in terms of the networking system, you'll see that anything we do will be miles ahead of anything from the competition. Is it perfect? God no. In fact compared to our newest stuff it's pretty damn shoddy. However the people who've worked on it have put everything they had in to it and made something used by hundreds of not thousands of people around the world. Both systems serve their own purpose and both have their advantages and disadvantages. Starting an argument over which one is 'better' is subjective and just plain childish.
    1 point
  6. So, we have about six or seven Sound leaders at this point. Not bad, not bad.
    1 point
  7. Can't wait to play this game, looks like it going to be sick. All the pictures I seen so far a very good an detailed.
    1 point
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