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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/09/2013 in all areas

  1. I came to this forum to talk to people about the rudimentary composition of matter and deep philosophical discussion on human nature.
    3 points
  2. you signature rocks... ive never seen anything more awesome in my life
    2 points
  3. I'd like fox pets, would be cute. Also, they should have different uses. Some could buff their owners, some could pick up loots or some could just fight. Just ideas I'm throwing out at the moment.
    2 points
  4. Hey everyone! Sorry we haven't posted any development logs or anything recently, we have been very busy! From only a day of alpha testing, we were able to gather enough information to keep us busy for weeks. As you know, we decided to take the server down until further notice. In the mean time, we have been working hard to fix bugs and problems, while adding new things as well. We have fixed the updater, and optimized the server much more. I'd also like you to welcome @Abhi2011 to the team, who will be programming alongside me. Abhi has been working on a separate login server, to increase server speed and stability, while also allowing multiple game servers and forum account to game account integration. I have been working on server optimization, including compression of files for shorter sending times, reducing packets being sent, and texture loading/unloading on the fly. Also, I have fixed numerous bugs, such as not being able to sell items, as well as making major improvements to the projectiles system that will be used for Shuriken Jutsus and more. We are not sure when the server will be back up, but please be patient, and remember we are only in a testing phase, and that gameplay mechanics are nowhere near complete. Thanks, and see you all again soon! Regards, Whack
    2 points
  5. We all have to remember one thing about the gold membership
    1 point
  6. I saw that ad too. Wasn't exactly a scam, I met lots of singles, weren't all that sexy though.
    1 point
  7. What are you here for? Ice-cream of course... what else would i want from a naruto game...
    1 point
  8. Tailed beast as pets really takes away the point of actually being one.
    1 point
  9. Since admins/mods are generally looked at similarly to the "po-po", that most likely won't end up being the case. In the end (if/when other villages are brought in), I can see a few players emerging within each village to take up these roles.
    1 point
  10. Can my animal companion be a rock or large pebble to small stone?
    1 point
  11. I think you choose an animal familiar, and you companion is a summon, but he stays out as long as he is alive. On death, he should have a long cool down.
    1 point
  12. Well I came here because of Whack. I was on Zeoworks looking around the forums and I saw a post called Nin Online. I clicked it and learned about this wonderful game. I instantly knew this was gonna be the one naruto game I could and would really get into. The community may not be too big but I can tell this is something special.
    1 point
  13. Well, my name's Patrick. Got referred here by a couple people on a site called byond. Looked around a little, and I think this game looks awesome. It has real potential. Anyways, in case anyone might know me from there (Which I doubt haha), I'm LordxPatrick. ^_^
    1 point
  14. True, now make me a sandwich.
    1 point
  15. I hate the idea of Bijuus being simple bosses, instead, being a boss and being able to capture it, thats another story (once captured it disappears). Adding sealing/Stunning jutsus (depending on the player's power/mastery of it) to stun The bijuu and other squad sealing it into someone while its stunned. Now, for Dropping stuff, I've never been a fan of monsters dropping equips, its not logical, but yes about dropping materials for crafting equips, if its kyuubi, as example, it could drop a piece of meat that you eat and gain some kind of chakra boost, hair that you use to craft whatever kind of equipment, a fang/claw it drops to craft any kind of weapon, thats another story. Bijuus having to be captured to get someone to be a jinchuuriki seems way funnier to me, it implies much more responsability, as you're gonna have to be a really strong player to be chosen as the jinchuuriki, because you'd be in constant risk of getting killed/captured by anyone (When they kill you, as example, the body remains there for a certain amount of time, IF unsealing/sealing transfer jutsu is used, you lose your bijuu).
    1 point
  16. I cannot fully comprehend how to probably read your name. Welcome
    1 point
  17. Your forum name reminded me of a meme. On topic: welcome.
    1 point
  18. Welcome to the community, I saw your video on YouTube
    1 point
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