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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/08/2013 in all areas

  1. Hey everyone! Sorry we haven't posted any development logs or anything recently, we have been very busy! From only a day of alpha testing, we were able to gather enough information to keep us busy for weeks. As you know, we decided to take the server down until further notice. In the mean time, we have been working hard to fix bugs and problems, while adding new things as well. We have fixed the updater, and optimized the server much more. I'd also like you to welcome @Abhi2011 to the team, who will be programming alongside me. Abhi has been working on a separate login server, to increase server speed and stability, while also allowing multiple game servers and forum account to game account integration. I have been working on server optimization, including compression of files for shorter sending times, reducing packets being sent, and texture loading/unloading on the fly. Also, I have fixed numerous bugs, such as not being able to sell items, as well as making major improvements to the projectiles system that will be used for Shuriken Jutsus and more. We are not sure when the server will be back up, but please be patient, and remember we are only in a testing phase, and that gameplay mechanics are nowhere near complete. Thanks, and see you all again soon! Regards, Whack
    8 points
  2. Thanks for the heads up Whack! Now there won't be as much questions from newer members about the server though when do they ever really read the forums... We will be sure to spread the word and thanks for all the hard work you guys have been putting in, DO WORK SON! & Good looking on that updater Abhi always nice to know there is another person helping to make this game better and push it even further. Hey the more the merrier..... and faster ^_^
    2 points
  3. Urmm Hey ^_^ Well ehhh i made this nagato using the base i hope its ok..
    2 points
  4. If did adjust the style and deception the microsoftic new space would intervine with your vocab social letter and thats how iconning should replicated
    1 point
  5. I believe if a toggle pvp will be installed the only way to make it worth it is to attach a time limit like 5 - 10 - or 20mins before a person can be considered safe from battle in none warzone areas. Otherwise people will be constantly turning their pvp on and off based on who they pick out as weaker than themselves, but if they have a time limit involved then they know theres always a chance a stronger opponent may see them bait and target them in the same fashion as they targeted someone else. For example, wilderness on runescape marks its players with skulls over their head to symbolize the fact that they are vulnearable and think they're bad....lol But to be honest the kill anything that moves with a user name is the best method and its what made people love these games, i feel you should be able to fight anyone thats a online player any where you cross paths with them except inside buildings... thats sincerly the only legit way to carry on war or a ninja world. If you are not strong stay inside or go find a place to get strong, and if you get over powered or bullied: 1. log out. 2. go train 3. find dojo, punching bags, etc. 4.go grind in a less populated area 5. start a clan or possey of ninja weak like yourself and fight in numbers 6.go be a pupil or student to a stronger shinobi who may offer protection or security 7.go pay Rory all your allowance like the W.O.W Players, and become Gold and help the "Nin Online " community at the same time 8. Play only when ya enemy is offline or play when everone on your side of the planet is sleep, l0l0l0l. 9. Delete your account and go cry somewhere else because you finally understand that naruto and the shinobi way of life isnt for the weak, but the determined and stubborn hearted soilders. all of these 1-9 suggestions begin a new story for a newb and lead to an epic ending l0l. I promise..l0l0l and for anyone who argue that pvp shouldnt be allowed every where except inside buildings, go tell that to pain and every other shinobi that popped up out of no where and began wrecking the noddle shop and alleys as they please, infact they even fight n top of the buildings...l0l0l sooooo......yeah..#sigh....PVP ROCKS...but only when its unpredictable where and when it may start and finish, and only when you can make a wanna be bad @$%... run inside some random building and wait for you to stop bulling them ...l0l0l Sorry if its sounds harsh but even in real life the only real part of life is how random each day is .PVP IS THE SAME. SO to all wanna be hokages, either be an epic bully or epic hero and all losers just try not to cry about losing and do something about it. l0l. later
    1 point
  6. Well, honestly to entertain forum members while they await for the massive amount of incoming updates and lots of offline server time, There should be a roleplaying board. The roleplaying board will keep members active, awaiting to see whether or not the roleplay they've entered is active. For now, til and if this is added, I suggest that these roleplays should be produced within Forum games. This would provide a way for character development roleplay, and casual roleplays alike, allowing people to see whether or not what their character shall be in-game. Please respond when you get a chance.
    1 point
  7. This would be a lot of work, right now individually, we plan on having mixed/advanced elements, but to make teams able to do such combos would be much harder.
    1 point
  8. In a sense, more movement like that, what I didn't know though is that this was two frames which is extremely hard to balance. You should add at least 2 more frames.
    1 point
  9. Lol @Crosswire he said Naruto is more popular in South American than in Japan.. LOL
    1 point
  10. I don't see a single difference between Private messaging a person who speaks your language too, there's absolutely no need of this, it would slow down the development as it'd recquire to be checked/hire mods, whatnot. Points against your argument: 1- Learn English. 2- Learn English. 3- Learn English. I'll tell you this in spanish so you can understand it, excuse me everyone: Hablas español, el español es el idioma con más tiempos verbales del planeta y con un diccionario tan grande que se puede matar un oso golpeándolo con él. El inglés al contrario, es el idioma internacional por un motivo, es el idioma más sencillo y fácil de hablar, apréndelo que no cuesta NADA.
    1 point
  11. You collect them for prizes by double posting, spamming and etc. The more trouble you cause the more you get and your prize becomes the ban hammer. Now if you look at the guidelines and rules you can figure out how to win these awesome prizes EDIT: The guidelines and rules are here
    1 point
  12. I already know I posted on here, but let me make this very clear for everybody. From levels 1 to 9 you cannot PVP nor be engaged by enemy ninja. Once you hit level 10 and anything beyond that, you can not only participate in PVP, but also be targeted for death by an enemy ninja. If you are in your village, there are safe zones and even still, dangerous zones. In a safe zone, you cannot target another ninja for pvp unless that ninja has his/her's pvp toggled on. In a safe zone, unless you the player, toggles his/her's pvp on, you cannot be attacked by another ninja. I will make this very very clear, if and only if an enemy player comes into your village and is already confirmed as an enemy, he/she, if you are level 10 and above, can attack you and kill you on sight, and visa versa. Enemy ninja if spotted and confirmed as spies, will automatically be counted as "KOS" kill on sight. Other then that, unless you are level 10 and above, you are safe. Any level at 10 or above can be killed and attacked. If you are in a safe zone, you have to either be engaged in pvp first hand, or have your pvp toggled on in order to attack others, or be attacked. If you are an enemy of that village you can and will be killed on site. In dangerous zones, specifically speaking outside of any village, if you are level 10 and above, there is no toggle for pvp. If you cannot defend yourself in a dangerous zone, you will be attacked and possibly killed on sight. Did I cover everything?
    1 point
  13. Zoro has too many Badass moments, but this has to be the best
    1 point
  14. Shading is easy to fix, the only thing that's strange is the perspective. I absolutely love your depiction of the textures.
    1 point
  15. I should open PvP to everyone in the safety of their village because its "real life" like to have a random Konoha Jounin kill a random Konoha Academy Student repeatedly for fun? So I should stop making a hundred level of content and missions to train and become powerful? I should just replace all those missions with punching logs until you become Hokage level? If you want to play an online arena game like that, where everyone just punches logs until they become more powerful than one another to walk out of into their own villages to kill each other, go back to BYOND. This is a real game. I'm sorry.
    1 point
  16. The population of ninjas in the world is not going to be separated. What do you do when a ninja comes out of nowhere and kills you while you're traveling in enemy territory? You deal with it, because not every ninja is going to give you an honorable RP death.
    1 point
  17. This. This is a game based on Naruto, not My Little Pony; if you came into this game expecting to play Pillow Fighters 97', you should really think about what "Naruto" is really about. I'm not sure about the level 10 PvP restrictions, if you're somewhere someone doesn't want you to be, you should be able to be killed. . I don't want some noob from another village following me everywhere spamming "Be my sensei" while I can't do anything. Same goes for places you aren't ready to be in. The only place you should be before level 10 is in your village, and even without village Safe-Zone would be a relatively safe place to be. If you do venture out from your village, you're level 10; if you expect to be alive for a while, you're wrong. That is common sense, unless this is the very first game someone has ever played. ....So yeah, yesterday some guy tried to murder me because he couldn't see that my PvP was off. Village safe-zones = Silly
    1 point
  18. I've done my research, and I think I know how I want to do it. I'm going to make the land of toad, along with a Ryuchi Cave or the slug forest. If you have a Kuchiyose no Jutsu scroll, you can learn it, but using it should only teleport you to the temple of the animal which your character is affiliated to (randomly). This is the easy option to get a summoning contract made. You will complete a series of quests to earn the favor of the animal or defeat them, depending on which animal. Alternatively, somebody else who has contracted that kind of animal may help bring you there, but there will be higher level requirement and it will cost a large amount ryo to do it this way. This encourages players to go with the flow and sign contracts with an animal they are affiliated to, or to seek out powerful senseis like the Sannin were to follow in their footsteps. I also have decided that a limit of one per character would be better, and give each character a tighter identity.
    1 point
  19. Here's a very interesting twist on the fact that this game is a 2D-MMORPG, why not make it so that certain monsters will drop a quest starting item such as a 'Summoning Contract' where you have to defeat a certain amount of a certain type of monster(IE: Wolves, Toads, Scorpians, Slugs, Snakes, etc) and after defeating that tier you will receive another quest starting Item as a reward which will require you to defeat the next tier of that monster. The quest would turn into a chain-quest of sorts leading up you receiving the final quest which requires you to defeat a boss-type or elite-type that type of monster and upon defeating that monster you can complete the chain-quest and get a Summoning Jutsu Scroll which gives you the ability to summon the bottom tier of that monster and allows you to get quests from certain NPC to learn the next tier of that summon and so on. Just a thought though. Rory Whack
    1 point
  20. Hi, probably a lot know about what this topic is. so i want tell why not be jinchuriki as a world boss? who throw various combination of items to be better. This bosses could be created instance and it would be really hard to defeat. I do not know what Partyplay level cap, but I think this idea is not the worst what I said. Yes world boss should be from 1 to 10 drop chance 1% item drop. and they can drop rare drop like armors, weapons, skill scroll, summon scrolls etc.
    1 point
  21. I like these "Focuses", you should expand more on each one. Good Job Destructo.
    1 point
  22. I've been doing some thinking lately (well for more than a day, fell asleep on this, for anyone who really wants to know) on what the role of a Kage actually signified within a village and how the presence of such figure lead to a village's (as a institution) growth in any shape or form. So to put it briefly my suggestion will be revolving around the importance of Kage-figures and how their regimes would effect the gameplay of the players within their village and possibly the entire game. NOTES Forgive my lack of knowledge on certain areas and please attempt to read everything before replying. I'm not going to give any actual mathematical figures, that's not my call (and i'd probably cause quarrels). - First and foremost, the most important tool a Kage would receive upon being elected is the ''Village Management'' option, the idea itself originally was going to involve the holding a of meeting along with "The Council of Advisers" a small group of senior players within a village selected by the elected Kage, who'd aid him/her in making certain decisions and choices - through opinions and feedback, this had for intent to add an RPing element to managing a village. The "Village Management" function would make a small window pop-up which would allow the Kage to manage Organizations, Set Ranks but most importantly the function would allow the Kage to adopt a Policy Focus. - A Kage would have the choice between: "Growth Focus","Finance Focus" and "Military Focus". Each being somehow more beneficial to certain group of players within a village, making it very interesting to see a Kage's response to this variety and how efficient it would be. Not to forget that there would be a time delay in-between the option of changing from one Focus to another and keep in mind that the selection of a Policy would trigger certain events... (Enjoying yourself thus far ? Heres a bucket-load more for you to read) 'Ending Notes This suggestion has for purpose to inspire the Staff, and allow them to rethink/add-onto what they have already planned for the Kage positions (and some other systems). Rather than making them be just another rank of higher importance. Putting this suggestion together took WAY longer than expected and was an effort itself, so before you start composing your replies which will include every flaw this idea has, show some love ~
    1 point
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