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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/07/2013 in all areas

  1. The population of ninjas in the world is not going to be separated. What do you do when a ninja comes out of nowhere and kills you while you're traveling in enemy territory? You deal with it, because not every ninja is going to give you an honorable RP death.
    4 points
  2. Hello fellows, I'm here to show you a preview of something close to what Shukaku should look like in game(If they end up using mine), Its still a WIP and I need you guys to suggest me modifications and whatnot in the design and attacks. So far, its supposed to just stand there and breathe and control sand around it as well as shoot wind blasts from its mouth, I was planning of him summoning Sand balls that when you get close to them they randomly attack you. Whatever, just started yesterday with the making of this and spent about 50 minutes of on/off work. CNC is welcome as said. --> Edit: I'm here, being lazy, just wanted to try merging the body with the shading with the floor, looks weird but I want your opinion guys.
    4 points
  3. The game's combat will always be PvP, if an OOC ninja attacks you.. I'm serious, no matter how good you are an RPer, how can you call yourselves a powerful ninja in your bio if you only run away from PvP battles? In Nin, your Jutsus, stats, your real combat tactics and skill make you a powerful ninja. Your RP character is going to be rather realistic compared to what you dream him to be, if he wants to become the "God of all shinobi", he must very well be able to defeat all shinobi in a real fight, not just write it in his bio that way.
    2 points
  4. I should open PvP to everyone in the safety of their village because its "real life" like to have a random Konoha Jounin kill a random Konoha Academy Student repeatedly for fun? So I should stop making a hundred level of content and missions to train and become powerful? I should just replace all those missions with punching logs until you become Hokage level? If you want to play an online arena game like that, where everyone just punches logs until they become more powerful than one another to walk out of into their own villages to kill each other, go back to BYOND. This is a real game. I'm sorry.
    2 points
  5. Urmm Hey ^_^ Well ehhh i made this nagato using the base i hope its ok..
    2 points
  6. I think we should use as many English idioms as possible, kicking the dead horse on this for as long as we can.
    1 point
  7. Lol @Crosswire he said Naruto is more popular in South American than in Japan.. LOL
    1 point
  8. You collect them for prizes by double posting, spamming and etc. The more trouble you cause the more you get and your prize becomes the ban hammer. Now if you look at the guidelines and rules you can figure out how to win these awesome prizes EDIT: The guidelines and rules are here
    1 point
  9. I already know I posted on here, but let me make this very clear for everybody. From levels 1 to 9 you cannot PVP nor be engaged by enemy ninja. Once you hit level 10 and anything beyond that, you can not only participate in PVP, but also be targeted for death by an enemy ninja. If you are in your village, there are safe zones and even still, dangerous zones. In a safe zone, you cannot target another ninja for pvp unless that ninja has his/her's pvp toggled on. In a safe zone, unless you the player, toggles his/her's pvp on, you cannot be attacked by another ninja. I will make this very very clear, if and only if an enemy player comes into your village and is already confirmed as an enemy, he/she, if you are level 10 and above, can attack you and kill you on sight, and visa versa. Enemy ninja if spotted and confirmed as spies, will automatically be counted as "KOS" kill on sight. Other then that, unless you are level 10 and above, you are safe. Any level at 10 or above can be killed and attacked. If you are in a safe zone, you have to either be engaged in pvp first hand, or have your pvp toggled on in order to attack others, or be attacked. If you are an enemy of that village you can and will be killed on site. In dangerous zones, specifically speaking outside of any village, if you are level 10 and above, there is no toggle for pvp. If you cannot defend yourself in a dangerous zone, you will be attacked and possibly killed on sight. Did I cover everything?
    1 point
  10. ik im not the best at this.. this is like.. my third guy doing.. but we need some class.. im just saying ---->----> ----> (these are stuff i changed)
    1 point
  11. Exactly, Exactly , Exactly..!!!!!! Now you would make a great shinobi in real life because you UNDERSTAND me and konw that the whole idea or history of being an actual ninja means to strike anywhere and hide anywhere and assasinate your opponent anywhere that an object casts an shawdow, without the overwhelming risks of being executed at anytime i believe the game would instantly become a .....stupid game l0l0l0l0l....sorry. I Love that phrase..l0l0l0l oh my goodness i didnt think out that one... Epic way to visually express how lame the game would be without ninjas killing on sight everywhere on nin online. l0l0l. BUT..far as the "hey please make me your slave / student sensi please... uhh that happens at level 50 l0l0l0l ...trolled is trolled ... every level needs help at some point unless you are op or used to playing . WOWWW...lolol I agree there wasnt any dangerous D-RANKED missions ....but when that dude came with the sword in his mouth and the lady man friend he had who could use mirriors to kill you ...ummm thats when it all changed , and lets not forget d-ranks are for the genin and naruto was a genin when he killed negato and the pain crew. infact Komohamaru was d-rank when he killed one because once again no one can predict what happens in a ninja community, its impossible , the whole idea of a ninja is to be unpredictable and every last one that wasnt ....well they died i suppose because their opponent was unpredictable. l0l0l0l #jmo yet you did say areas so "I Say if they stey foot cross the border of their cubicle ....SLASH SLASH LICE CUT ...PREDATOR PULLS HIS SPINE OUT OF HIS BODY AND FEEDS IT TO HIS FRIENDS... other words troll no way dont replace em, I thought maybe you had the soft idea of a ninja game , but i see your still legit as usual, l0l0l0l0l ,,stay come stop raging , if you do use bag or logs etc. give them a range so only level 1 through 10 or 20 can use them , because rock lee used them to get stronger all the time, but far as the missions and evrything else you said they must be available, you have the exact idea of a good game with all that content, , but the list of thing to resort to was just for those who are gonna cry about the game being to hard because they have no idea what true combat or strategy is, it was a result a solution to keep them busy instead of having to hear about them wine or worst quit your game, I say if they had a bag till like level 10 or 15 at least they will have time to find a sensi , find a team, a clan, or learn from their mistakes and feel they have another chance but once they reach like level 15 or 20 their on thier own and if they chose to hit bags instead of do missions and they have no money or good experience thats what they get for being "PIE"...L0L0L0L OH and Rory if you are like op and level 50 soon as they game starts.l0l0l0l just go head and be hokage l0l00l epicness. ...js he should if hes an enemy and i mean he should be able to kill npcs and all that ll0l0l0l0l...
    1 point
  12. Heres what I think about your manga...... ^^ made it just for you Haha im just kidding.
    1 point
  13. I never really said hey to the community, so I'm doing it now. I was never really part of the community in GOA, so I'm gonna correct that mistake in this game. Hope to see all you guys when the game comes up.
    1 point
  14. We will have the game up with the problems which we encountered in early alpha fix. That was always our plan, but the version we released earlier was way too buggy to keep up, it was also very unstable and so it kept crashing. Once we get the next update out, we plan to have the server hosted 24/7 while we create new content.
    1 point
  15. If you don't want to die then don't play thats what i think. Whats life with out any risk ^.^
    1 point
  16. In order to keep the community entertained, Nin Online team, in my opinion, should get a host with great capacity, if possible lag free/almost lag free for their players to try the little game content while its being updated. Note: Myself I don't care, I can wait for the game, but I see impatient people and this was what I thought.
    1 point
  17. I say no if what you're trying to say that an Uchiha/Whatever other clan can't join another village after making one, now, this is so spammable for another village to have different clan players, so here's a security system for that, the only way you can leave your village is getting kicked from it, simple as that. If you didn't mean this, then fine.
    1 point
  18. Had to have Magic Guard, which blocks the damage from leech seed, poison, burn, etc.
    1 point
  19. It doesn't look like he got faster. They were most likely the same speed, in which case another priority comes into play to decide who hits first... I honestly don't know what the priority is though. It could just be random if the speeds are equal.
    1 point
  20. 2-1 over Sam... Very close games. http://pokemonshowdown.com/replay/randombattle-43480374
    1 point
  21. At first I read this and was like, 'wtf no' but it actually has some valid points as to how PvP should be. But to make things fair, there should be no PvP in the areas of D-Rank and below missions considering canonically there were no dangerous aspects of those level missions. Other then that, let people slaughter each other for EXP xD EDIT: But make it so that if you kill someone a certain amount under your level you get a de-buff or something, because preying on the weak is for pansies.
    1 point
  22. This. This is a game based on Naruto, not My Little Pony; if you came into this game expecting to play Pillow Fighters 97', you should really think about what "Naruto" is really about. I'm not sure about the level 10 PvP restrictions, if you're somewhere someone doesn't want you to be, you should be able to be killed. . I don't want some noob from another village following me everywhere spamming "Be my sensei" while I can't do anything. Same goes for places you aren't ready to be in. The only place you should be before level 10 is in your village, and even without village Safe-Zone would be a relatively safe place to be. If you do venture out from your village, you're level 10; if you expect to be alive for a while, you're wrong. That is common sense, unless this is the very first game someone has ever played. ....So yeah, yesterday some guy tried to murder me because he couldn't see that my PvP was off. Village safe-zones = Silly
    1 point
  23. I clearly say the pvp toggle is only needed in safe zones.... If you go into a danger zone and die that's your fault
    1 point
  24. your drawings are great man
    1 point
  25. @TrollyTheMercilessShinobi if you read in the 1st post of this topic you would know the way to fix the DirectX problem would be to go into the Nin Online folder and edit config and change Device from 1 to 2,
    1 point
  26. Yeah even with the lack of content I still had an amazing time playing the game, looking forward to release date. I wish I had the money to donate and help support the game
    1 point
  27. it looks like laxus has boobs XD the face looks great thou
    1 point
  28. It looks awesome, my first time viewing this section btw xD
    1 point
  29. They all look great, but the 5th one has a weird hairstyle :blink:
    1 point
  30. 1 point
  31. These look really good , should draw me Bardock from DBZ
    1 point
  32. shanks,luffy and zoro are awesome gud work
    1 point
  33. They look cool, keep it coming.
    1 point
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