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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/06/2013 in all areas

  1. I clearly say the pvp toggle is only needed in safe zones.... If you go into a danger zone and die that's your fault
    2 points
  2. Yeap, masks give the ability to conceal your indentity from other players, already in the game!
    2 points
  3. I was checking out the sprites in the game and I saw a mask, I thought it would be ok to suggest having a special mask that actually hides your identity from others, given when you get chosen to be an anbu by the hokage, for roleplaying purposes, actual spying jutsus like invisibility and whatnot, sensor jutsu/ability passive traits that'd be guarding places around the village, etc. In other words boosting the roleplaying side of the game adding this kind of thing.
    2 points
  4. I believe if a toggle pvp will be installed the only way to make it worth it is to attach a time limit like 5 - 10 - or 20mins before a person can be considered safe from battle in none warzone areas. Otherwise people will be constantly turning their pvp on and off based on who they pick out as weaker than themselves, but if they have a time limit involved then they know theres always a chance a stronger opponent may see them bait and target them in the same fashion as they targeted someone else. For example, wilderness on runescape marks its players with skulls over their head to symbolize the fact that they are vulnearable and think they're bad....lol But to be honest the kill anything that moves with a user name is the best method and its what made people love these games, i feel you should be able to fight anyone thats a online player any where you cross paths with them except inside buildings... thats sincerly the only legit way to carry on war or a ninja world. If you are not strong stay inside or go find a place to get strong, and if you get over powered or bullied: 1. log out. 2. go train 3. find dojo, punching bags, etc. 4.go grind in a less populated area 5. start a clan or possey of ninja weak like yourself and fight in numbers 6.go be a pupil or student to a stronger shinobi who may offer protection or security 7.go pay Rory all your allowance like the W.O.W Players, and become Gold and help the "Nin Online " community at the same time 8. Play only when ya enemy is offline or play when everone on your side of the planet is sleep, l0l0l0l. 9. Delete your account and go cry somewhere else because you finally understand that naruto and the shinobi way of life isnt for the weak, but the determined and stubborn hearted soilders. all of these 1-9 suggestions begin a new story for a newb and lead to an epic ending l0l. I promise..l0l0l and for anyone who argue that pvp shouldnt be allowed every where except inside buildings, go tell that to pain and every other shinobi that popped up out of no where and began wrecking the noddle shop and alleys as they please, infact they even fight n top of the buildings...l0l0l sooooo......yeah..#sigh....PVP ROCKS...but only when its unpredictable where and when it may start and finish, and only when you can make a wanna be bad @$%... run inside some random building and wait for you to stop bulling them ...l0l0l Sorry if its sounds harsh but even in real life the only real part of life is how random each day is .PVP IS THE SAME. SO to all wanna be hokages, either be an epic bully or epic hero and all losers just try not to cry about losing and do something about it. l0l. later
    1 point
  5. Ok i havent played the game yet because i had no internet on my vacation SORRRY DX
    1 point
  6. You can't pvp til lvl 10 which is already pretty good imo
    1 point
  7. They should make it impossible for low levels to pvp before they learn the basics.
    1 point
  8. How are you supposed to do those things if you're offline
    1 point
  9. If the Hokage chooses, there could be possible problems : 1° too much work for the Hokage since he has a lot of work -_- 2° in the manga/anime, it's teir lives, their superior's order... if you wanna stay in the village and be a ninja, abide by the rules; while here, if you're in a team with someone you don't particularly like, it could end up bad and people may just quit (no responsability on the other side of the screen) 3° if a player gets inactive after the team players reach level, say 45 (yeah a lot), what happens to the team? at that level it would be difficult to find someone to replace him "untill the end of all times and missions" 4° may have GMT issues ...and i'm sure there are a lot more ...so maybe stick to choosing your own teammates? I agree with team missions from time to time (or just make it that there are NPCs impossible to beat alone, so people will HAVE to find help). But maybe change teams from time to time? Whenever we want to... Depending on those who still play the game, those who are about your level, those who are the same GMT as you and of course, those who are still called friends.
    1 point
  10. Scorpions will be found in the outskirts of Suna
    1 point
  11. There was another post before about why using % base chakra is a bad idea. A high level shouldn't loose about the same chakra a low level should. (higher level more chakra lower level less chakra)
    1 point
  12. Hahaha! Naruto is definitely one of the biggest inspirations, not the manga or anime, but more the vision of the world they've created
    1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. Rory.. i was thinking about that for some time and since i saw the Hayate Garden video i thought that i should ask.... do you think that we could have npc villagers moving around ? That would really give the game a Role-Playing felling in my opinion
    1 point
  15. Especially Hayate's Gaiden. It could be the biggest inspiration besides Spirit Age on the artstyle!
    1 point
  16. The way to actually make the mask is I think what was said earlier you can type a name the mask gives before putting it on and then it will change your whole name to the new name that you put (Im sure the Kage gives the name you will take on), and anytime you want to show you arent Anbu by messing with people is by taking the mask off, and the mask allows you to use that name in any Chat and when you are clicked on it will have that name.
    1 point
  17. It was still a good idea though since you didn't already know and welcome to the forums ^_^
    1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. Welcome to NinOnline ! Cant wait to see some of your sprites, please do post your work ^_^
    1 point
  20. I will bring over those original designs into the new art style I agree that they look fabulous, I had little to no references on what kind of masks there were, so I just did them originally based on animals I liked.
    1 point
  21. Hi, probably a lot know about what this topic is. so i want tell why not be jinchuriki as a world boss? who throw various combination of items to be better. This bosses could be created instance and it would be really hard to defeat. I do not know what Partyplay level cap, but I think this idea is not the worst what I said. Yes world boss should be from 1 to 10 drop chance 1% item drop. and they can drop rare drop like armors, weapons, skill scroll, summon scrolls etc.
    1 point
  22. I demand to be squaded with a kaguya in mist. because i can chew on his/her bones when we are starving in the wild for a little bit of substance
    1 point
  23. What summons do you guys want added to the game? Also, at what level will summons be available? Naruto was able to summon a toad during the Chunin Exams and what not, but, how long do they last and what are the advantages to summons. I feel like certain summons should have certain advantages and disadvantages just to create a balance and more of a Naruto feel. Rory's Decision: I've done my research, and I think I know how I want to do it. I'm going to make the land of toad, along with a Ryuchi Cave or the slug forest. If you have a Kuchiyose no Jutsu scroll, you can learn it, but using it should only teleport you to the temple of the animal which your character is affiliated to (randomly). This is the easy option to get a summoning contract made. You will complete a series of quests to earn the favor of the animal or defeat them, depending on which animal. Alternatively, somebody else who has contracted that kind of animal may help bring you there, but there will be higher level requirement and it will cost a large amount ryo to do it this way. This encourages players to go with the flow and sign contracts with an animal they are affiliated to, or to seek out powerful senseis like the Sannin were to follow in their footsteps. I also have decided that a limit of one per character would be better, and give each character a tighter identity. IDEAS SO FAR: Noimo: Here's a very interesting twist on the fact that this game is a 2D-MMORPG, why not make it so that certain monsters will drop a quest starting item such as a 'Summoning Contract' where you have to defeat a certain amount of a certain type of monster(IE: Wolves, Toads, Scorpians, Slugs, Snakes, etc) and after defeating that tier you will receive another quest starting Item as a reward which will require you to defeat the next tier of that monster. The quest would turn into a chain-quest of sorts leading up you receiving the final quest which requires you to defeat a boss-type or elite-type that type of monster and upon defeating that monster you can complete the chain-quest and get a Summoning Jutsu Scroll which gives you the ability to summon the bottom tier of that monster and allows you to get quests from certain NPC to learn the next tier of that summon and so on. Just a thought though. Vali Lucifer: I like the idea of summons being used for certain purposes and only a limited amount of summons per person. Based on the Manga/Anime only Nagato has been shown to have more than 2 type of animals/creatures if I am correct. So make it that at a certain level you may pick 1 and depending on what you pick you can or cant pick another depending on what it is. For example if I get a high enough level and choose Slugs as my first contract, Slugs would be my primary and I could use them to heal myself and comrades, but because I chose Slugs I can't have summons such as Toads as my secondary and instead I could have Ninja Dogs for tracking as my secondary. Different animal summon serving different purposes sounds like fun, but proper cooldowns for all of them will make the game seem more natural. Joker1480: For Rp events, maybe fighting big summoning creatures, (if it's possible to do that in this game) but regular pvp one sumon at a time and keep them player sized, I say. Maybe they can be just like the scorpions we fought, but with 2-3 moves they can use that would be specific to the summon you use? Some would move faster than others and all that technical stuff for balance, I guess. The one summon per person, and only summoning during 1v1 matches would probably be the best way to implement it with the least amount of lag.
    1 point
  24. Quick question in the future could there be potential for jutsu clashes?
    1 point
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